Hunt Down 2 0

Title: Hunt Down 2 0
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Nov 1, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Hunt Down Epic Duel Meditation chamber holotheater visage pre defences No Escape IAO Mobilization Points

Locations Cloud city docking bay Death star docking bay Rendili

Characters Lord Vader Darth Vader[3] Epp Vader[2] Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade Janus Greejatus Ig-88 with gun Admiral Ozzel Commander Igar Dr Evazan

Vehicles Blizzard 1 Tempest 1

Starships Dreadnaght[2] Bossk in ship Zuckuss in Ship Dengar in Ship Boba in Ship

Interupts Focused Attack[2] Vaders Obsession[3] Circle is Now Complete[2] Omnie Box[2] Masterful Move[4] Put All sections On alert Shocking Revlation[3] Sniper Its Worse Imperial Barrier[2]

Effects Visage Security Precations Secret plans Oppresive Enforcment Blast Door Controls ] Whepons Vaders saber[2] Maras saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a standerd hunt down deck so i wont go into to much detail on how to play it cause most people know how to play a huntdown deck.

Basicaly just pull the docking Bays out and rendili to get force activation going get vader to a docking bay and let visage do its thing if they deploy jedi on you than dual there @#$% and make them lose some force.And how much of a beatdown can they muster up if i have taken obi and luke out of the game

Cards I would like to put in but cant find room or dont have it.

Palpatine Another Mara SEarch And Destroy Crush The Rebelion Evader Imperial Decree


Hidden Base Wait till they flip deploy security precations.Probe there base make them lose force.dont get beatdown in space.It could be close pending skill of opponet but you should win.

New Objective Do your normal stuff hold a barrier in you hand so if they come to you you wont get beaten that much.

Profit Go to tatooine and beat them up. This should be a easy game if you can duel ben out of the game and cross luke to the light side.just be carful about the new lando.

TIGIH Pick luke up fast and dont lose battles let visage do its thing.just drain at heavily fortified sites so he cant win battles you should win this one big time. ‘