Oops I did it again

Title: Oops I did it again
Author: Eric "proxy man" Fletcher
Date: Nov 1, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Agents in the Court/No love for the Empire

Locations (7) Hutt Trade Route (s) Jabba’s Palace (s) Tattooine docking bay Endor dokcing bay Home one db Hoth db Cloud City db

Effects (13) Staging Areas (s) Insurrection (s) Advantage I Feel the Conflict Wise Advice (s) Push on us x2 Grappling Hook Barganing Table Order to Engage Twilight is Upon me. I Hope She’s All Right Civil Disorder

Interrupts (16) Fallen Portal x4 Nar Shada Wind Chimes The Signal x2 Heading for the Med. Frigate (s) Control x3 The Force is Srong with this one x2 Anakin Skywalker NOOOOOOOO Weapon Levitation

Weapons (3) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber Luke’s Lightsaber Anakin’s Lightsaber

Characters (20) Elom x8 Tantus Spejleg (rep) Bothan Spy Ben Kenobi Obi Wan Kenobi Lando w/ Axe Han w/ Blaster Chewbacca Orrimmarrko Leia w/ Blaster Luke, Jedi. Son of Skywalker Master Luke ‘

Strategy: ‘

Use Docking Bay generation. Use Fallen Portals to protect yourself. Grab Sense w/ Grappling hook, then Control. Use Obi-wan’s “move away” to kill low ability aliens/imperials.

Use whatever Luke will work best for the job.

As you beatdown on your opponent, remember to make him stack cards on conflict. Then when fighting Vader voulantairily kill Luke, Anakin, and have Vader fighting for your side. If they are dueling Luke, play NOOOO to make him lost, then convert.

Twilight lets you get Force is Strong (to kill Empy) or Anakin. Also cancles YAB.

Direct damage is there to deal with space.

Grab just about anything.


BHBM Wait until he succeeds in crossing Luke. Play NOOOOO and Anakin Skywalker to turn the game in your favor.

Hunt Down Let him duel Luke, keep Obi out of it. When he duels Luke, win or loose you win, because Vader will either be dead or Anakin.

Court. You are there. Beat him down with ben, luke, elom Lando is very good.

Space. Drain race, your DD + Sabers against him. You have Barganing table.

Note opponent cannot retrieve force on Conflict, should hurt annoying scum decks.

comments are always welcome

proxy man ‘