Insanely Stupid Badgers (ISB)

Title: Insanely Stupid Badgers (ISB)
Author: Brian "vader106" Hollingworth
Date: Nov 3, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (6) ISB Ops Imperial Square Imperial Decree (usally) Mob. Points Imperial Arres Order Prepared Defenses

Locations (5) Endor Docking Bay Yavin 4 Docking Bay Tatooinge Docking Bay Hoth Docking Bay Endor

Characters (25) Lord Vader Darth Vader x2 Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin Chyler Colonel Wullf Yularen 5D6-RA-7 (Fivedesix) Corporal Derdram Corporal Vandolay Captain Jonus Sergeant Tarl Chal Bekan Outer Rim Scout x4 Admiral Ozzel Snowtrooper Officer x3 Officer Evax Comdr. Merrejk Lt. Pol Treidum Lt. Renz

Blue (9) Tempest 1 Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker Zuckuss in Ship Bossk in Ship Executor Chimaera Devestator

Red (13) First Strike Something Special Planned For Them Reactro Terminal Undercover Alter x2 Never Yanal x2 Stunning Leader x3 Ghhhk x2

Green (2) Vader’s Saber Mara’s Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Note This deck’s only loss was to Brenston by one, in the first game I had ever played with it, so it can win very easily.

Pretty Standard, Just get out agents to flip fast then drain. If they come down, send walkers and vader, or just run away.

vs. EBO Decree=Win

vs. HB Probe, and drain fast. this will be a tough game

vs. Profit start Chall Bekan and Mara, get an ORS with Chall. Try to keep decree going and keep an agent on tatooine, you should be able to drain them out.

vs. Mains deploy carefully, and use ghhhk when you need to. If they have a beat squad, send a bunch of ability 2 guys and walkers, battle and play stunning leader. Now it is just your people vs. chewbaaca alone. Alter order to engage first, as this will kill you if they have a lot of power.

The reason I put in The Imp. Square instead of Couruscant is so if they play blount, I can put 5D6 there, play Never Yanal to kill blount, and then my objective flips back. That way I don’t need to waste any Characters on Couruscant. Never Yanal is usefull anyways, to kill undercovers and cracken. I tried to use as many pilots for agents as I could, to pilot walkers, and I don’t use probe droids because they don’t have ability. ‘