Silly Little Tat Deck

Title: Silly Little Tat Deck
Author: Chris "crzybkhd" O'Hara
Date: Nov 12, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8)

Agents in Da’ Court/No Love Baby Tat. Hut trade Rt. Jabba Aud. Chamber Yarna HFTMF Innsurrection Uh-Oh Wise Advice

Locations (6) Tat. Junland Wastes Tat. DB 94 Tat. Mos Eisley Tat. Desert Jabba Ent. Cave Home One DB

Characters (17)

Shasa Tiel (Rep) Ishi Tib x3 Arleil Schous Tessek Lando w/ Axe x2 H’nemthe x4 Luke w/ Stick Obi w/ Stick Han w/ Gun Leia w/ Gun

Vehicle (9)

Sandspeeder x5 Rebel Snowspeeder x4

Interrupts (12)

YWTMTJN x3 Signal x2 Tunnel Vision x2 Nar Shadda x2 Trans. Term. Rebel Barr. Lost in Wild

Effects (9)

Flaps x2 Sandwhirl x2 Underworld Cont. OTE Bo Shuda Scramble WYTTPOU ‘

Strategy: ‘

As you can see this deck is pretty much an Agent/Speeders Deck. But it has some tricks.

The EPPs are mainly hit and forfit beatdown. They do not hold sites. The Hnemthe and speeders do that. And sandwhirl keeps them off Tat.

Your 1st objective is to get Tessek to the Aud. Chamb. with Bo Shuda. Then your oppenent cant battle him and you have cheap aliens. Next get Flaps out. There is enough seach and draw cards in here to get what you want or need very quickly. Occupy your 3 sites and flip your Objective. Remember to add a destiny to your power in every battle you have to have 2 aliens. Get out Underworld contacts and drain away. Use the 4 power Ish Tibs to help out battling then retive them every control phases. Also their Rep. Shasa lets you reorder their force pile. This takes some time to figure out but the general strategy is if they are going to deploy put the good cards on top if they are going to draw put them on the bottom. Its alot of fun to watch them draw nothing every turn

I used Hnemthe because they hose Imperials, add 2 to power of my speeders, are Alein and cant be shot or choked. (If they only had a Rep. ) Sandwhirl is key in this deck cause you can use the darkside trick of hiding behind them. Also arrange your sites so the desert is at one end and Hutt Trade Route is at the other. Scramble will kill most decks because its unexpected. So wait to deploy it until you can use your EPP or Speeder beat down for max. damage.

Vs. Hunt Down

This is the deck most played in my area. Without honor you lose 1 per turn (call Decipher I didnt make No Escape AND have it be immune to alter but not make the light side version also immune ) And every player worth their salt who plays Hunt Down has a 1st turn Ephant Mon so your spys are useless. Get used to losing 1. So I have included 1 TT if you feel you need more add them I usually just turn this matchup into a drain race which I win cause i can cover more sites and their Imper. deploy +2. Do not forget to activate 1 every time they deploy a destiny 1 character


Find Luke ASAP. Give him Luke and prepare to battle. Be very careful where you deploy, make sure you can draw destiny. Remember they may be drawing 2. Grab their Sense ASAP. Scramble can be deadly to this deck as they mainly deploy piolts to beatdown and run Remember deploy +2 Imper.

Vs. Court/Dark Agents Deck/SYCFAScum

OTE, Scramble, Speeders, Sandwhirl, Bo Shuda, Lost in Wild. These should be fun match ups but with them not doing anything in the Aud. Chamber and only Ext. sites you should be able to win by draining and picking battles. Underworld raises your site to top Beat down Galid/Mosep with EPPs if they leave him in Aud. Cham. You can react with the Sandspeeders if you need to.

Vs. Space

Drain race You have no space so you need to deploy and drain. Hold EPPs until they deploy Vader/Tarkin or Mara beatdown, then go in with one of your own. Tessek adds 1 to all your drains Easy win.

Vs. Ralltiir Ops.

Just kidding. No one plays this come on

Vs. Endor Ops.

Just like space but beatdown one of their sites every so often. Not much in this area.

Well thats it. Like I said this is the 1st deck I have posted.

Oh, yeah you are probably saying what about Bubo Well noone around here plays him so if you run up against Bubo alot put in Rennek insted of something. I would also like to add a Grimmtashh since it would be fun after I stack their force pile.

