ISB scouts

Title: ISB scouts
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Nov 12, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting ISB Couracant Docking Bay Prepared Defences IAO Mobilizaition Points Oppresive Enforcment

Locations Cloud city Docking Bay Tatooine Docking Bay Docking bay [3] Carida

Characters Outer Rim Scout[12] Admiral Ozzel Mara jade Lord Vader[2]

Vehicles Blizzard walker[3] Dune Walker[2] Tempest 1 Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3

Starships Zuckuss In Ship Dengar in Ship Bossk in ship Chemira Executor

Interupts Abysin Ornament[3] Trample[4] Ghhhk

Effects Den of theives[2] Search and Destroy Secret plans Ability Ability Ability Security Precations Presence of the Force[2] ‘

Strategy: ‘

  First turn pull before activating pull carida.Then get a <> docking bay and deploy it at carida.Continue to pull out the docking bays so you can get lots of force.Flip the objective and start draining for tons Usually it will go up to around 8 or 9.If they come to battle you just lose a outer rim scout and retreive it.Use the tramples to kill there guys.Get Den of theives out to cancel there drains.Late in the game retreive using Abysin Ornament.If he deploys blount go destroy him. I know this is not much of a strategy section but I can not think of anything else to say. '