Title: KaBo0OM
Author: Philippe "Climax_Giver" Parise
Date: Nov 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘mega maid start(5) MEGA MAID prepared defenses imperial arrest order crush the rebellion power of the fat man

epic KaBo0OMS(2) 2x CPI

things that will blow up(8) 3x DSconferance room Tatooine Endor yavin 4 Hoth Bespin

biatches(12) 6x MEGA MAID gunner admiral piett cmdr. merrejk(god) Ephaon MAN probe droid 5d6-ra7(fivedesix) u-3po

pretty blue things(8) 3x death squad star destroyer EXECUTOR(the real one) chimaera(thrawn will come) dengar in tub bossk in cruise boat ig-88 in sardine can

things that hurt(3) 2x intruder missle MEGA MAID’s gun

effects(11) 2x reactor terminal 2x lateral damage 2x there is no try 2x undercover stratagice reserves a bright centre to the universe mournfull roar

interupts(11) 3x imperial command 2x ho, switch off 2x evader 2x control hunting party twi’lek advisor

Strategy: ‘

ok the starting effects are simple….he cant come to death star…..IAO-stops nabrun,power-stops spies with ephant mon,crush-stops revo

ok a few things 1st thing you do…stop his drains…depends how his set up is……..either system farthest from or your spies,also gunners to the stratagic reserves

to get system he is playing at on table…..get merrjk out…..simple…get an imperial command that gets piett & he in turn gets merrjk…then system but dont put it out to give extra drain

ephant mon goes to the site with a gunner…that gets superlaser & when you ready put 3 at the site….ephant mon & 3 gunners add 8…you need a destiny # greater than # of sites by only one…set up whatever you need

also, to find the site use your effects & gunners to look into your deck when site is out….you stop drains & you blow him up

ok what else….best combo in game is in this deck…gunners go to used pile…& also stop drain…..so you can cycle them back in after to keep stoping a drain…..evil

another thing…..vs space just blow up his too best activation systems…..you’ll want to blow up his drains but DONT blow up his activation….use spies as forfeit & you still win…it works vs a good swarm deck cause you draw so much for atrition….

the last thing is……meta…mine is not much sac..if yours is.start with differnt effects & put doubles of what is not so popular in deck i went with my area….you edit that for your own area

hard deck to play but….it works KaBo0OM MEGA MAID