Super TIGIH A gift from God or Satan

Title: Super TIGIH A gift from God or Satan
Author: Jake "NeDraco" Rich
Date: Nov 13, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting(10) TIGIH/ICSH EndorChief Chirpas Hut EndorLanding Platform Luke Skywalker, JK Luke’s Lightsaber I Feel The Conflict Heading For The Medical Frigate Wise Advice Staging Areas Insurection

Characters(20) Obi-Wan with Lightsaber x2 Leia with Blaster Rifle x2 Han with Heavy Blaster General Solo Chewie with Blaster Rifle Lando with Blaster Pistol Orrimaarko Twass Khaa Lieutenant Blount Sergeant Brooks Carlson Colonel Craken Wedge Antilles Elom x6

Ships(3) Sprial Tantive IV Liberty

Effects(6) WYTTPOU? Traffic Control Draw Their Fire Bargaining Table Aim High Bacta Tank

Interrupts(17) Insertion Planning x3 I Know x2 Nar Shadda Wind Chimes Slight Weapons Malfunction x2 Weapon Levitation Sense x2 Glancing Blow Control Fallen Portal x2 Tunnel Vision x2

Sites(4) Home One Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay Docking Bay Endor Back Door ‘

Strategy: ‘

And also this deck is not a first try It is 32-4 most of the losses are stupid mistakes or amazing luke on my opponents part. So if you are going to rate it less then 4 1/2 stars tell me why don’t give me good deck or tell me stupid cr@p that is already explained.

Okay guys here’s the stats on this beasty. Average destiny with sites in 2.8 Average destiny with sites out3.0 (but those numbers don’t really reflect the draws you’ll be getting with all the tracking you’ll be doing.) Destiny Layout 0-4 1-10 2-7 3-9 4-14 5-3 6-3

Now on to the cool techiness this deck packs. First off you want to pull the DBs out of you deck (duh) you don’t wan the zeros floating around. And only play the EndorBack Door if you need the froce or you are in a drain race other then that lose it. Next, scouts kick @ss use them in battles with Insertion Planning to kill their destiny draws, kinda sucks when that 6 or 7 you tracked gets reduced by three. And since it takes off the destiny it reduces their power as well which is a plus for you. And Cracken and Blount can pay the Emperor a visit in the Throne Room or cancel Visage. More tech, you’re playing with Docking Bays and high destinies what card could you possibly use hmmm… Fallen Portal. Don’t fear leaving the singel Elom at the Home One Docking Bay. They’ll play Mara and maybe something else and battle you simle a play Fallen Portal and easily crush Mara or even Vader and leave their 2-2 scrub Imperials to get crushed by your mighty power 4 Elom which also gives you a card for Conflict. Thats about it for tech now to Statgety. The key to using this deck is to let your opponent make the first move and then comence beatdown. Give them Luke ASAP other then that battle alot.

vs BHBM This deck has never lost to a BHBM first off. and it usually ends up with me converting Vader. Try and keep Vader away from the Emperor and if that Fails beat down any characters he deploys and Insertion Planning helps remove the sting from Emperors Power.

vs HuntDown This deck has only lost once to a huntdown deck and it was because I made some dumb mistakes. But basic just take over the Executor and drain there. Any characters they deploy give a beatdown to if they want to dual Obi let them, use Glancing Blow on top of the high destinies you get Vader will die.

vs Court Eloms+ Bounty Hunters= dead Eloms don’t use em unless you can get away with it. Use the EPP’s and Scouts to dominate Tatooine but give them a guy so their Obj. flips and they lose the =+2 to forfit. Keep Senses handy for Hidden Weapons. No duh I’ll save force how else am I supposed to play Fallen portal with First Strike out? And if Luke dies against Court It’s no biggy cause most court decks don’t play Vader, And once again Luke will be at the docking bay so if they battle with 4-LOM Fallen Portal splat the droid and it will be no problem.

vs JPSD haven’t played it couldn’t tell ya

vs Set Your Course TIES Start the Drain race use the Eloms at the Docking Bays for the extra force drains a reterival with NarShadda. Don’t play any ships until you can give them a beating and get away with it.

vs Any Other Type Wait for them to make the first move. Attack as you see fit and use the docking bays to your advantage.