Hidden Operatives

Title: Hidden Operatives
Author: Charles "Teacher" Hickey
Date: Nov 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘sandcrabs v1.3

Locations (12) Bothawui Corellia Desert x4 Endor x2 Kiffex Kirdo III Ralltiir Rendezvous Point

Characters (13) Bothawui Operative Boussh Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian Elyhek Rue General Calrissian Kier Santage Kiffex Operative Kirdo III Operative Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Nien Nunb Ralltiir Operative Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Vehicles (6) Rebel Snowspeeder x4 Sandspeeder x1 Snowspeeder x1

Starships (9) Gold Squadron 1 Green Squadron 3 Home One Red 7 Red Squadron 1 Red Squadron 4 Red Squadron 7 Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (9) Heading For The Medical Frigate It Could Be Worse It’s A Trap x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x3 Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (7) Menace Fades Sandwhirl x4 Squadron Assignments Strike Planning

Weapons (2) X-wing Laser Cannon x2

Admirals Orders (1) I’ll Take The Leader

Objective (1) Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers ‘

Strategy: ‘

**Update*** Okay everyone, just an FYI, this deck worked really well in phoenix because I was not worried that dark decks would be countering sandwhirls. What you have to understand is that in the current environment, with Agents/speeders, sandwhirl is becomming more and more popular. This is a deck that if played now, it would be a risk, with the increased sandwhirls. Give it a go a few months from now, when agents isn’t popular. This decktype can stay consistant for awhile I as I forsee it…

user Nicoramus is stupid***

Okay, here’s how the deck works. If you can’t tell already, it’s a Hidden base deck with operatives. Why operatives you ask? Because NONE of the operative kill cards hurts this deck. They all have something in common, they refer to ”subjugated” planet in the game text.

Okay, so you pull your systems out of the deck, and you have a total of 6. There is Endor (the hidden base) and the other 5 range parsec 1-3. The gap of 5 that is left is good for only one DS ship that gets played alot, and that’s Zuckus. This ensures me that if Endor is probed, whatever ship did it is stuck there with a nice big drain of 1, while I keep control of the inner space lane, or if they prob low first, they’re pretty well stuck there.

Operatives? Sandwhirls? Speeders? Yep, you read correct. Take a look at Kirdo III, it let’s you pull deserts and Sandwhirls from the reserve. So, I have 4 systems that I have matching operatives for, and can park them at a desert, on board a speeder, with a sandwhirl protecting them. There are TWO things that can counter this, one is a control (played very rarely) and the other is enclosed vehicles (which is much more common). I’ve made a meta choice regarding the vehicles, and I feel that most DS decks may pack 2 walkers. I feel that with my objective making them pay to draw, and the wide spread drains putting the hurt on, I feel safe in my chances. But what if they DO drop a walker on my power 3 speeder. ”It’s a trap” I cancel the battle, and then I can either deploy more speeders (if reasonable) or do what I usually do, evac the speeder to a capital ship. I feel safe in my protection against vehicles, or a control/ beatdown. Also, an added bonus of this strategy is enhancing Menace Fades.

Menace Fades If I control a BG site and system, Opponents drain modifiers are cancels. This is jedi test 1 people So, I have 4 deserts that I can set up easy (remember the windchimes? No trouble finding the right operative) and I control space very well.

Space I have 9 Ships, 6 Starfighters/3 Capital. Even though my Admirals order hampers my capitals, they are there mainly for evacuation support, but can be used in a pinch. 4 of my Starfighters can use the cannons, and my deploy is remarkebly inexpensive for my matching pairs. (Check out Kier Santage). I control a few systems, with the react function of Ralliter, and power elsewhere, and that ensures me my Menace fades, cancelation of any big drains that come through, and in worse case, boussh to cover another.

What happens in a typical game? This deck deploys ALOT, and I mean ALOT. You start with 7 cards gone, and you pull at most another 14 from your deck (the deserts, planets, and whirls) So that’s 21 cards in play that don’t have ability… to get drains going, you’re looking at a max of 8 cards for ground, and at least a good 8 cards for space, so that gives us 37 cards in play. Most cases, you have more than this, and youdo lose a few now and then. The goal of this deck? You play your game, not your opponents. You set up planets, you control space, and watch your opponent scramble to catch up (drains of 10, and cancelation of opponents bonuses and drains cause this) and react in due process. Oh, By the way, the average win differential is about 9. But it wins.

The deck puts alot of stuff in play, requires some ”Big Balls” decisions, but it’s unique, and can win a game purely on the surprise factor alone.

Also, 3-1 at the Phoenix Mega Tourny, one loss to Steven Lewis by 11, in game 7 (3-0 before that point)
