Imperial Black & Blue (Revised)

Title: Imperial Black & Blue (Revised)
Author: Randy "Misthunter" Bautista
Date: Aug 15, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (10) Death Star (SE) Endor x2 Kashyyyk Kiffex EndorBack Door EForest Clearing Cloud CityDowntown Plaza CC Port Town District Hoth Defensive Perimeter (3rd Marker)

Characters (13) Darth Vader DVLOTS DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Admiral Ozzel Officer Evax Lieutenant Arnet Commander Igar Commander Desanne Commander Nemet Lieutenant Cabbel U-3PO

Starships (7) Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Thunderflare Devestator Avenger Vengeance Dreadnaught x2

Vehicles (5) Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Blizzard Walker x2

Effects (11) Security Precautions Imperial Arrest Order Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward There Is No Try Secret Plans Resistance Presence of the Force x2 Broken Concentration Imperial Decree

Interrupts (14) Twi’lek Advisor x5 Masterful Move x2 Monnok x3 Elis Helrot x2 Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us x2’

Strategy: ‘

If you haven’t seen the original ‘Imperial B&B’ I suggest you do, ‘cuz I will be referring to it quite a bit.

Major changes

a)No more Docking Bays At first it sounded like a great idea because it allowed me to deploy both my space and ground forces early (i.e starships and AT-ATs). However, since then I have tested it against operative decks and the FD -1 just made my Docking Bays a waste of space. Instead I have 2 new FD sites (Port Town+DT Plaza). As for movement, I use Elis Helrot, which is MUCH more efficent than docking bays. Use the monnoks to watch out for anti-Elis cards (in particular, Quite A Mercenary). And speaking of Monnok…

B)One extra Masterful Move. Now that doesn’t sound important, but it does do to main things a)it’s an extra 6 destiny -P and b)it allows you to get that monnok faster. Monnok is a very powerful card in this deck that allows you to sum up what your opponent can do. If you see no space, then you can afford to leave that lone Dread at Kiffex. If you see no Quite A Mercenary, feel free to use Elis…and you get the picture. Even if it’s cancelled by, say, a sense, you know your opponent plays S&A. Speaking of S&A…

C)No more Sense & Alter Most threats of this deck can be cancelled or by-passed by other cards. The Original ‘I B&B’ had S&A, but really had no chance in winning a true S&A war. True, certain interrupts and effects will get past you and will hurt (ex. Organized Attack or Manuvering Flaps). But since this deck is strong in both ground AND space, Monnok + some good judgement will allow you to make these pains minimal.

D)Added effects. Broken Concentration for Dagobah decks (although this deck was already strong against Dagobah). BC is also a great card in the late game when teamed up w/Battle Order to stop opponent’s late draining. Resistance was added to stop #s. I originally thought that once my forces were out I could stop activation, ‘n thus, #s, but to get those forces out required big activation, and the risk of losing the game before I even get started was too great. It also forces a #s deck to fight, which is definitely a good thing w/this deck. BTW, here’re some notes on starting effects Battle Order-against Ops Security Precautions-against HB Broken Concentration-against Dagobah There Is No Try-against early high activation (i.e. Toschi decks and Y4 Revo decks) *High activation almost always means early mains, so early S&A protection is good. The 4 Twi’leks left will allow you to pick out any other key effects like Imperial Decree, Come Here You Big Coward, etc.

I leave you w/one final note…this is not necessarily about my deck but a response to the less notable decks in decktech

A DECK THAT RELIES ON BATTLE DAMAGE TO WIN OFTEN DOES NOT (except Frozen Assets/Draw Their Fire decks) In almost all tournament winning decks I’ve seen, most damage is done by FORCE DRAINING. You may have a force of 5 SDs at a location, but if your opponent’s smart enough (which s/he probably is), s/he’ll allow you that one system while s/he drains you for about 8 somewhere else. Two main reasons for battling are A) to block an opponent’s force drain and B)to set up your own. Battle damage can be cancelled so easily w/Ghhhk and Houjix. The strength of Operative/ISB decks is based on the idea that they can drain wo/worry of battle damage. Imperial B&B does fight very well, but notice that all my locations (except for DS) are FDs for 2. So just keep in mind that Battle Damage is not a great meal; it’s just the icing on the cake.’