LittleTwigg’s Bring Him Before Me

Title: LittleTwigg’s Bring Him Before Me
Author: Chris "LittleTwigg" Terwilliger
Date: Nov 23, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(7) Death Star II Throne Room Death Star II Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay Cloud City Downtown Plaza Endor Carida

Characters(19) Emperor Plapatine Lord Vader x4 Mara Jade x2 Sim Aloo Janus Greejatus Danik “Sup Nazi” Jerrico Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle Commnder Igar Grand Moff Tarkin Danger with Balter Carbine Ozzel Captain Sarkli Admiral Chiraneau Dr.E IG-88 with Riot Gun

Starships(5) Executor Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Chimaera Devastator

Vechicle(2) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Interrupts(15) Sence x5 Alter x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Weapon Levitation Force Lightning Shocking Revelation Sniper The Circle Is Now Complete Prepared Defenses

Effects(8) Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order Security Precations Secret Plans Search and Destroy Resistance

Weapons(3) Mara Jade’s Lightaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Objective Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place

Strategy: ‘

(from above…) record since D-Con 32-5 *** This is the start

Obj Death Star II Throne Room Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Prepared DEfenses Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order Secret Plans-u can get a recycleable 5 at any time u need it

This deck is very strong. It has many charachters(19) and good air support. This deck has it all to stand up to most of the decks out there.

Pull Caridia and a DB and the Emperor 1st trun. This is what u do for every deck.

Mains Fight them and drain. Obi u can take out with circle and use your walkers and men to fight your opponent off the sites. With all the Sence-Alter i play its hard for them to get combo cards off. A so so hard match but u should be fine in the end.

Dag I start with restance aggenest this because they usually play Anger fear Aggression so it lowers the damage. Pull all your DB’s and get Search and Destroy out fast. Just sit and drain them , wait for them to deploy some were and fight them. You have Endor the system so u can get a good air drain with Chiraneau. Also Secret Plans huts there force retreval and with your S/A u should be fine.

EBO Insted of pulling the system u pull the Exacutor, now u have a BIG ship when ever u need to fight in space. When u start to activate enought to deploy it your opponent will be cautious not to leave lone ships so they will not spread out….thus helping u. Also again i start restance because cuts the air drains to two. Just about the same as Dag, get search and desty out if u see them not playing manins and fight them and drain.

Profit Start with Mara and Danik. Put the Emperor there for more back up. Get luke and try to weapon lev Obi stick so u can circle him and from then on thay will have not that many mains left to fight. Against this deck i say fight them and drain on their sites. This should not be that hard to win.

Hidden Base Same as EBO pull Exector and drain fight when need to and uses search and destroy. Also get Security Precations out so fighting in space is easyier.

New Age Throne Room Mains Same as mains. Also u have 3 spys in the deck so u can give them a beat down when thay leave a man in the DB to get force. Fight and drain.

Against any other deck that i have not said i would just do what you can. This deck can handle all that i can see while fighting with all your guys and draining usually wins for me. This deck can handle all surprises and usually does