Simple BHBM

Title: Simple BHBM
Author: Jordan "unibrow22" Murph
Date: Nov 24, 2000 Rating: 2.5




BHBM/TYFP Throne Room Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Prepared Defenses Imperial Arrest Order Moby Points You Cannot Hide Forever


Eriadu Executor Dock. Bay CC Dock. Bay Endor Dock. Bay DS2-Dock. Bay


Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader Darth Vader Vader with Stick Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin Janus Greejatus Stormtrooper Cadet Moff Jerjerrod Dannik Jerriko General Veers Admiral Motti Colonel David Jon Admiral Piett Boba Fett with Gun R2-Q2 AT-ST x2

Ships & Walkers-7

Executor Visage Dreadnaught Tempest 1 Blizzard Walker Tempest Scout x2


Hell To Pay Emperor’s Power Visage of the Emperor


Vader’s Stick Mara’s Stick


Sense x2 Control x2 Alter Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? x2 Dark Collaboration The Circle Is Now Complete Trample Operational As Planned Ghhhk Moment Of Triumph Weapon Levitation Rise, My Freind Weapon Of An Unrateful Son Monnok ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well here we go…

Its a pretty simple strategy. Lots af characters, lots of power. So you just group guys together and go for the power beatdown.

The Stormtrooper Cadet is pretty handy, kinda like a Talz.

Eriadu is nice because most of the characters are forfeit +2.

Oo-ta Go-ta Solo? is kool cuz it punishes good guys trying to move around.

Visage of the Emperor there to turn Luke. Use Janus Greejatus, Weapon of an Ungrateful Son, and Operational as Planned to setup to turn Luke.

You can use R2-Q2 to check you r destiny tracking.

This is my first real try at a BHBM deck. Thanks ‘