I activate therefor i am

Title: I activate therefor i am
Author: Dante "cyber baby" Kawalsky
Date: Nov 25, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘starting(7) SYCFA death star alderaan docking bay 327 prepaired defences mobilization points you cannot hide forever

scrubs(3) evax ozzel pol treidum

characters w/ purpose(17) miiyoom onith x4 darth vader w/ saber x2 choke vader mara jade the emporer grand moff tarkin ig-88 with gun 4-lom with gun dr. e niado duegad jquile janus sim aloo

interupts(19) you are beaten x2 imperial barrier sniper x2 human shield x2 sense x3 alter x2 monnok x2 masterful move x2 twi’lek advisor elis helrot x2

effects(5) search and destroy ability ability ability resistance secret plans lateral damage

locations(5) death star d-bay control place excutor docking bay tatooine docking bay coruscant docking bay carida

weapons(1) mara jades saber

starships(4) zuckuss in ship fett in ship bossk in ship chimaera ‘

Strategy: ‘

first of all, you start with an extra effect so pcik which one you want.

first turn yuo activate at least 5, we will say 6 though, which counts for opponent. pull ut docking bay control, drop a guy to a bay, pull out abother bay, lather rinse repeat. this will get a maximum of 11 more force. pull out carida right away to so you get 2 more.

lets say you pull out 3 bays, carida, and get 2 of the bays occupied. you are now activating 17 force for your second turn. that very good. no is when you start the manipulation, once you have lots of force. suck out characters and drop beats on the guys who get through. you also have s&d and ability ability ability to do damage. wich is aboot 4 a turn. with small drain and control fo board you will win.

human shield is so tech it unbeleavable. suck a guy with ig-88 and if darth get hit you laugh and have the captive take the heat for you. or use it to lay beat on a tigih deck.this happened to me, jedi luke, epp han, and 3 eloms sittin together. vader and ig come out. he was sitting with a destiny of 7 from the asp droid tech so i was worried. i pick up luke, grab an elom. he shoot vader and i shield luke. i yab an elom. now it elom and han vs ig and vader. slice han up. draw my tracked 6 and make him lose lots. i lost nothing. cause he drew 0 hahahahaaa.

most games with this deck are fun. lots of good battles for you. if you play hb it not as fun though. lay small beats in space and try to kill em with small drains and s&d. if hb big in your area and sec percautions. i also have tracked a destiny of 3 via janus, and used that to break cover of tk-422. then beat on him.

have fun wiht it, you will like. ‘