The x-wing goes long Interception

Title: The x-wing goes long Interception
Author: Robert "Sparky" Parker
Date: Nov 25, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 8 Endor Ops/Imp Outpost Endor Bunker Landing Platform Prepared Defenses YCHF Power of Da’ Hutt Mob Points

Locations 5 Bespin Kashyyyk Fondor Sullust Wakeelumi

Characters 11 Adm. Piett x2 Darth Vader, DLOTS Lord Vader Sim Aloo Janus Grejatus Empy Mara Jade, TEH Comm. Merriejk x2 Ephant Mon

Starships 19 Tie Interceptor x12 Dreadnaught x4 Zuckuss/ship Bossk/Ship Chimaera

Effects 6 Oppressive Enforcement SFS Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Reactor Terminal Well Guarded Ominous Rumors

Interrupts 11 Imperial Command x2 Twi’lek Advisor x3 All Power To Weapons x4 Short Range Fighters x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is really pretty simple. Its main focus is on Drains, not Ties, although that is a very nice compliment to it. You start your stuff, lose YCHF to get PP, get Wakeelmui from Mob points, and deploy Ephant Mon, With that, youre getting a fortified bunker, an early +2 to ORumors, SFS capibilities. Get a few characters down (Merrijk) and start pulling systems. SAC is not very common around here, which is why I only pack Oppressive to deal with it. Dreaded Imperial Starfleet is a very nice card in this deck. With 3 twileks running around, you can pretty much get any effect you need. The 2 imperial commands are for getting Piett, who gets Merrejk, who pulls the systems, which is very important. I only use 2 endor sites because it has been all I seem to need. It will still add a +4 to your drains, and my characters can safely hold both of them. I can usually get 10 or so in drains every game. I have just enough characters to hold against a RST or TIGIH, although after the start of the game, I will bunch up to try and hold the best drain site. Back door etc. The Interceptors are just awesome with APTW. Im might add some cannons, let me know what you think about that.

TIGIH Along with RST, this is my toughest matchup. Get Ephant and 1 more character down fast, as you will soon face a lot from your opponent. Dont worry about space, as youll kill whatever they send up. Again, if worse comes to worse, Only try and hold 1 site for Ominous. You still should be able to out drain them. If you get a vader, capture luke, if you dont, let luke have his site. PP helps A LOT.

RST Probably my toughest matchup. Just like above, get your characters out, and hold the Bunker. Since its your safest site, its usually your first choice. PP doesnt do as much since they get the Landing site. Winnable because of your drains, but tough.

Profit Dont deploy Mara, it might slow them down a tiny bit, but shes just begging for a beatdown. You need all of your characters for Endor. A probable win, since youll be getting good activaction with Merrejk and your space drains will do them in. I have yet to see a profit deck win a battle in space.

EBO Definately the funnest matchup of them all. Youll be pounding on each other all game. With PowerOTH, you should set up as fast as they do. Your ties will send x-wings away, even with ICorp. Be smart when you Deploy Wakeelmui, as if you arent ready to control it, it can sure backfire. Either Way, its who has more space.

Agents In the Court Ive never played against one of these, so I wont go into it, as I might not know what Im talking about.

QMC Laugh and record a win. Your drains will Roll all over him, and he wont be able to do anything about them. PP will work wonders. If hes playing eloms, dont worry, youll still be able to hold your sites.

Numbers Well, they might hurt, but your drains will hurt more. If you can make a couple of runs to knock out his ”fill in a non-unique here” go for it. Dont worry about the inserts, just play your game. If youre pretty sure about inserts, theres a simple solution. Dont go for PP Just leave YCHF as it is.

Hidden Base Your space will win, and your ground forces will go unchallenged. End of story. If theyre playing Hidden Ops, Play your own game, DImpStarfleet and SFS will win you the game.

Thats it for matchups, If you have anymore that I forgot, tell me in the reviews.

May The Force Be With You ‘