Hotdog Flavored Hidden Base

Title: Hotdog Flavored Hidden Base
Author: Brian "bgkenobi" Garrison
Date: Nov 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting - 7 Hidden Base/Systems Slip through Fingers Rendezvous Point Endor (HB indicator) THFTMF Squadron Assignments Strike Planning Aim High or other, your choice.

Locations - 8 Dagobah Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Yavin IV Sullust Kessel Endor Aquaris CC Lower Corridor

Characters - 13 Luke Skywalker Jedi Luke Skywalker x2 EPP Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 EPP Leia x2 Capt. Han Solo Gen. Calrissian Tycho Celchu Lt. Blount - “Clint” DSII Wedge Nien Nunb

Starships - 9 Gold Squadron 1 Tantive IV Green Squadron 3 Home 1 Milennium Falcon Artoo in Red 5 Red Squardon 1 Liberty Sprial

Weapons/Devices - 2 Landing Claw Luke’s Lightsaber

Interrupts - 14 Tunnel Vision x2 Out Of Commision x3 Houjix Keep Your Eyes Open The Bith Shuffle The Signal Lost In The Wilderness I Know Grimtaash Star Destroyer Transmission Terminated

Effects - 7 Projection of a Skywalker x2 Legendary Starfighter Demotion Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Eject Eject ‘

Strategy: ‘

Updates I have just wanted to make some changes, that were suggested from you all.

I added Kiffex, so that I might have one extra battle ground to deploy inorder to flip. if you deploy Kiffex, you should deploy it instead of Yavin IV.

In responce to the suggestion that I use Swarms instead of matching pilots, I treid them and with the exception of playing Chus X-Wing Swarm, (which is one helluva deck), I couldnt come up with one of my own, and I hate copying decks.

End Of Updates

This is your standard Hidden Base deck that does flip the objective. You want to set this deck up like the following.

You start by grabbing Lando either during your opponents turn, or before you activate on your turn, against Hunt Down, you will do this during your opponents turn. The first system you will want to deploy is Endor, because they activate nothing there, and you will activate a minimum of 5 Force Turn 2. You then pull Dagobah and Yoda’s Hut turn 2, giving you a minimum of 9 Force Turn 3. The rest of the systems are drawn in the following order - Aquaris, for more Force Activation with a Starfighter (either Wedge in ihis ship or Wormie in his Tank); Sullust, Yavin and then Kessel. You pull Kessel last because it does you no good until you flip, and you do not need to be giving them any more Force than you are already giving them. Of course, if you end up drawing the other systems out of order, it is ok to deploy them, but hold onto Kessel till right before you flip.

As for the Characters and Starships, as said before, you will want to drop a starship that can hold its own at Aquaris to get the Force activation bonus. The Super Falcon can stay there pretty well, but should be moved to Kessel once you flip. EPP Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Luke are there for anti-Hunt Down usage. If you end up losing Wormie to either a Force Drain, or if he gets killed in his Tank, then Jedi Luke should be dropped at the CC; Lower Corridor. With his Lightsaber, he himself is a Power 10 Destiny Drawing Tank. EPP Obi is a power 7 buff dood there as well.

Some other Cards -

Eject Eject - This is anti Zuckess in Mist Hunter Tech. Your opponent drops Zuckess in Mist Hunter and Dengar in Ship against your Super Falcon, you forfiet a mof of the sip, next turn you deploy another pilot, then bounce Zuckess out of his ship, and then destroy Dengar.

Demotion - Anti-Chiranuea Tech. He don’t add one to a Force Drain at Star Destroyer Controled Systems anymore, does he? Also to be used on Mara Jade, Grand Moff Tarkin, Janus Greejtas, Sim Aloo, Admiral Piett, and a score of other Imperial Mofs. This can help when you remove 3 Power from a character, or in the case of Baron Soontir Fel, remove an extra Battle Destiny.

Aim High - This is for the TIE decks and the JPSD objective Swarm Decks. TIE decks do not cause that much a problem with this deck, but the unchecked retrival can be irritating. Making them pay 1 for each Tie retrival, can add up.

Star Destroyer - If they drop the Executor on you, you use this to give them a moment of pause. Do they really want to pick a fight against you there? You might have some more help coming with it.

Cards I would like to add - 1 Docking Bay, prefer Hoth. 1 Batha Droid, thats what the docking Bay if for. 1 Grabber, makes fighting TIEs earier.

How to play against other decks.

Hunt Down - Drop Obi at the Lower Corridor. If they are playing on Cloud City, (most HD decks use the DS docking Bay, rather than CC Docking Bay, then wait until you have a Houjix in hand before dropping Obi. Or put Jedi Luke down at the Lower Corridor. Deploy your Systems and flip and drain. Tough Game.

BHBM - Give’m Jedi Luke and then spread out a nd drain at the Systems. BHBM decks, except Blitzkrieg, carry only a minimal amountof Space cover, so you should be ok. The destiny in the deck should be fine for the Duel Draws.

JPSD MKOS - Spread out across the systems. try and use EPP Obi and Jedi luke effectively, due to the fact that they will die when they are used. Again, most of these decks do not use a large, if any, amount of space cover, so your drains in space should not be contested. They will be able to cancel around 3 draisn using the objective, and maybe 3 more with Den of Thieves, but you should be able to get good drains in. Battle Plan will be huge against this deck. What you do is you get your space drains going, and then drop Jedi Luke and Epp Obi-Wan at one Tatooine Site. Fortify that one battleground location, and let them pay for their drains, while you are draining for free. Probably the hardest games.

TIES (SYCFA or BHBM) - TIES are way too under powered to be a real threat, unless you have the suprise factor that something like Monkey TIES had. Make them pay for their retrival and a well Placed Grimtaash will help. Use the Super-Dooper Falcon to cause serious damage.

ISB - Put Clint on Home 1 and drop it on the Coruscant System. They never flip and they do not get the Force Drain Bonus or the Agent Retrival. even if they do, make them pay for it. If they play ORS, grimtaash them and you should catch a few they needed. Spread out and Drain.

Court - Spread out and Drain, canceling Force Drains. Let them spread out as well, then use Jedi Luke and EPP Obi as a hit squad, and cause a lot of damage.

I am probably missing something here, but this deck has pretty good chances, and is very fun to play, which should be important to anyone playing a game. I hope that everyone can help this and make it better. Thanks for reading.
