Ounee Ta Sucks RalOps Rocks

Title: Ounee Ta Sucks RalOps Rocks
Author: Ted "DarthVader" Baker
Date: Nov 28, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Characters Emperor Palpatine Janus Mara Jade Lt. Arnet IG-88 With Roit Ozzel Darth with Stick GMT Choke Vader AT-ST Pilot x5 lt. Endicott Lt. Comm. Ardan Mosep

Weapons Mara Saber Vader Stick

Starships Boba in S1 Emperor’s Shuttle Zuckess Mist Vader’s Shuttle Bossk in Bus

Vechicles Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard Scout 1 Blizzard 2

Locations Cardia Perfect’s Office D2 Bay Forest Spaceport Bay Jungle Ralltiir

Effects Oppressive Enforcement Security Precautions There Be Hell To Pay x2 S&D Secert Plans Broken Concentraion Overseeing it Personally IAO Mob. Points You Can’t Hide

Interrupts Alter Imp. Barrier x2 Sniper Twi’lek Advisor Trample Prepared d Operational As Planned Projective Telephaty x2

Objective RalOps ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off, I don’t live under a rock. I know all about Ounee Ta. And no, it can’t kill RalOps unless the oppoent plays with it. I havn’t seen any decks with this card. Even if they do happen to end up with a free card slot, they won’t put Ounee Ta in cause they think the Fear of the card is enuff to stop the DS from playing Ral. No I have taken this deck to 4 seperate tournys won them all, and never saw one Ounee Ta. So there, Ounee Ta only works if they play with it.

Second, Walkers rule. EPPs can’t target them and they save guys aboad them from the sabers. They can react allowing for easier control of Ral. With At-St pilots they rock even more.

Third, I know AT-ST pilots are dotted. I just have the two extra if I lose them to force drains or forfeit I can replace them.

Basic Start RalOps Ral Pre’d Defenses IAO Mob Points. You Can’t Hide

1 turn Pull D*2 Docking Bay. Pull Carida Deploy an AT-ST to Docking bay. Pick up any left over.

2 turn Pull SP DB Pull <>Site Deploy someone to <> Site Move At-St to DB

From there Deploy the sites Control Ral. Battle and get pumped destiny Reduce drains Rip to shreads

Whay cards? Lt. Comm. Ardan- Imp. Darws destiny if not able. lt. Endicott- Free to d*2 DB Emperor’s Shuttle- See How to HB Blizzard 2- Little More Protection. More power Overseeing Personally- Add big to drains Mosep- I let them losing from deck. Projective Telephaty- Meta choice. Stops Order To Engage.

How To Play Hidden Base Normal start. Pull Security Precautions. Then put the Emperor on Shuttle and probe a planet. If they come to get ya. You take no damage, and immune to attrion (SYCFA look alike). Pull S&D and your drains with Overseeing should do them in.

EBO Set up RalOps. Drop AT-STs at the non-sheilded site. Move in and take over Echo. Drop their drains with the backside of RalOps. Battle in space and win.

MWYHL Set up RalOps ASAP. Pull Broken Concentraion, if they are training. If Falcon, set it have its system. Kill the rest of the guys. If beatdown, RAlOps’s text should slow them down. Should be easy win.

Profit No Aliens. Give them Han. Battle after setting up RalOps. Kill Han. Hardest game.

There’s the deck. Ounee Ta only hurts this very little if they do play it. If they try beatdowns, move the AT-STs. If they play aliens, beat them up. If Eloms, move the Imps away and only leave them AT-STs there.

This deck kicks

Darth Vader ‘