BHBM and kill his friends

Title: BHBM and kill his friends
Author: Tom "Gand" Culpepper
Date: Nov 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8) Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place Your Destiny Insigniffigant Rebellion DSII Throne Room Prepered Defenses Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations (6) DSII Docking Bay Endor Back Door Endor Landing Platform Endor Forest Clearing Endor Dark Forest Imperial Holotable

Characters (15) Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader x3 Commander Igar General Veers Admiral Piett Mara Jade Boba Fett w/Blaster Marquand Arnet Watts Colnen Davod Jon Janus Greejatus x2

Vehicles (11) Tempest 1 x2 Blizzard 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Tempest Scout x2

Weapons (4) Vader’s Saber x2 Darth Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Saber

Effects (8) Reactor Terminal Visage of the Emperor x5 Well Earned Command Overseeing It Personally

Interupts (8) Imperial Command x2 Rise My Friend x2 Masterfull Move x4

Strategy: ‘

This is a deck designed to control the ground at ENDOR. Do NOT go off planet unless they give you a docking bay from which to travel.

The goal is simple, control the ground for a solid drain base and get Vader to a battle ground early to start them losing force for Luke.

Adm Piett and Gen. Veers are the targets of Imperial Command. Commander Igar is the target of Piett’s text. Well Earned Command(on Igar) is the target of You Cannot Hide Forever.

On your first turn you should be able to do the following Deploy a docking bay Deploy the Emperor to the bay pull and deploy the holotable via Masterfull Move(if they give you 1 force)

That is 9 force for your second turn on your own. Enough to deploy anything in the deck.

The revolving cards are 6 and 7 destiny and can be stacked easily with Reactor Terminal and Janus. Mix them in with a couple low destiny cards like spare lightsabers. With all the reacting power of the scouts combined with the extra destiny from Emperor’s Power, 3 battles should be an easy task.

If they refuse to come to you, move the emperor to the ground and let him oversee the drain war.

The holotable is a great weapon. 10 times out of 10 you win battles there. Easiest way to make the pile on Insigniffigant rebellion grow. If they refuse to battle you there it is a constant drain of 2 while Igar roams the earth.

This deck is tough, but it lacks space cover. Most of the times I have found this not to be a problem, even agianst EBO and HB because of thier lack of ground support and the pace of this deck.

I have not tested this deck agianst all deck types, but it is part of a faily good wave of wins. I appreciate your comments and reviews.
