Hidden Base/EBO version 1 3

Title: Hidden Base/EBO version 1 3
Author: jeff "kazper" kasper
Date: Nov 30, 2000 Rating: 3.0



‘starting (7)

Hidden Base obj your hidden base system Rendevous Point Strike Planning Insurrection Wise Advice Heading for the medical frigate

Locations (12) main power generators x3 north ridge echo docking bay echo med lab echo war room Mon Calamari Hoth Chandrilla Corulag Yavin 4

Characters (13)

Luke Skywalker x2 Leia w/gun Han w/gun Obi-Wan Kenobi Lando w/axe Wedge Mon Mothma Gray Squadron Y wing pilot Green Squadron Pilot Figrin D’an Ishi Tib Arcona

Starships (9) X-wing x3 Red Squadron X-wing x2 Red Leader in Red 1 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Spiral Liberty

Interrupts (12)

Alter Sense Houjix x2 Organized Attack Hyper Escape Nar Shadda Chimes Gift of the Mentor Tunnel Vision The Signal x3

Effects (5)

A New Secret Base Echo Base Operations Incom Corporation Bacta Tank What’re You Trying to Push On Us

Weapons (2)

Obi Wan’s LightSaber X-wing Laser Cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

**WARNING** Due to the High Levels of PURE TECH in this deck, it is recommended that only EXPERTS use it *********

(comments on reviews at bottom)

After you draw your opening hand, get Mon Mothma with Strike Planning if you dont have it already.

She is used at the war room to hurt opponents destiny in space, and for deploying non-unique rebels from reserve deck for either setting up ebo, or for forfeit fodder in space, she adds two to their forfeit.

Next, on your first turn, while you look for a system from HB, check your deck for what you need.

If you already have the main power generators in hand, look for the fourth marker, if you dont have A New Secret Base in hand, look for it in the deck, and if you dont have a signal in hand, count how many in reserve deck to see if it is in your active force.

Ultimate goal is to deploy two systems a turn until you can flip, hopefully on 2nd or third turn. So, get your new secret base up and use its text to grab a system.

Don’t forget to deploy your docking bay from reserve

After you flip, set up ebo.

Use tunnel vision if you have it and need it to search your active force for any of the cards needed to get set up.

Deploy Mothma to war room, and hope for figgie d and your tib, use chimes if necessary.

Dont deploy to space until the last moment possible.

Deploy Arcona at 4th marker if you have a sense, an alter, or a houjix in hand and drain for one.

Try to get obi and stick and use him where he will work best, draining under the shield is an option.

Focus on holding one system once you have ebo up, your obj flipped and protection in hand.

spread out if possible with hyper escape, hojix and spiral, dont forget your incom effect making your pilots on x-wings ability 2.

Thats the first part.

Second Part is your mains beatdown squad.

If, in a dream, you had Lando, Luke, Leia, Han and Obi, with your gift of Mentor in hand,

you would be power 19 on Tatooine w/ 6 destiny

Use your X-wing cannon against bounty hunters, use figgie d under the shield to reveal your opponents deck, mess with their count, and retrieve the force.

The star ship liberty forfeits to your used pile.

Rebel pilots are forfeit 6 with mothma on table, and occupying corulag.

Cowboy Wedge is depoly two forfeit 8 with insurrection

Use those pilots and wedge with the Bacta Tank

Only three of your ships arent x-wings. use organized attack and your cannons on them.

And Last But not least, 2 cowboy Lukes for the 3 deploy/bacta combo

Thanks for taking time to read and review this deck

To Bane Yes, it does take alot of cards, but I beg to differ that it is too slow. It’s entirely plausible to have this running in 3 turns, both EBO and HB Flip. It all depends on your draw and how well you know the cards in the deck and the best way to manipulate the situation ‘