Blah Blah Blah Abyssins

Title: Blah Blah Blah Abyssins
Author: Andy "RexBanner7" Klema
Date: Dec 4, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 8 My Kind of Scum Tatooine Desert Heart Tatooine Jabba&&s Palace Prepared Defenses Well Guarded No Bargain Oppressive Enforcement Power of the Hutt

Locations 2 Jabba&&s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba&&s Palace Lower Passages

Starships 3 Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hound&&s Tooth Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Creatures 1 Bubo

Characters 24 4-LOM with Gun Abyssin x10 Bib Fortuna Boelo Dengar with Gun Ephant Mon Galid IG-88 with Gun Jabba Mara Jade x2 Mighty Jabba Myo x3

Effects 8 Den of Thieves x2 First Strike Hutt Influence Scum and Villainy x2 Search and Destroy There&&ll Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts 13 Abyssin Ornament x2 Elis Helrot Ghhhk Hutt Smooch Imperial Barrier x2 Masterful Move None Shall Pass x2 Projective Telepathy x2 Twi&&lek Advisor

Weapons 1 Mara Jade&&s Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

*Start review responses

EBO and Hidden Base don’t give this deck trouble because neither can cancel your drains because of Hutt Influence. So while you’re draining for 6 a turn and Search and Destroy damage, they’re draining you at say, 4 different systems, 2 of which are cancelled by Den of Theives and your Objective, plus you have the starships for beatdown in space if they spread too thin. I fail to see how this is weak against space. If you’re really worried about EBO, add in Resistance. You will almost always occupy the 3 Jabba’s Palace sites.

As far as SAC protection goes, I start with Oppressive Enforcement. I also have a grabber. Yes, many of my interrups are vulnerable to Sense, but your opponent won’t have senses for everything you throw at them, and you throw a lot at them. SAC isn’t a big problem because I know I can beat a SAC deck with just this. If it really worries you, then play There is No Try. It’s not too hard.

End Review Responses

Well, its your standard Scum/Abyssins deck. Start is always the same 3 effects, the Jabbas Palace site only changes if they start Profit, in which case change the location to the Lower Passages. Its very easy to lock off the AC early on. 2 Jabbas + Power of the Hutt + AC game text = lockdown in the chamber. From there, get Galid out and start draining. Search and Destroy will do its damage against any space or other non-interactive decks. Your retrieval (both kinds) will win you the game against ground decks. Cards such as Imperial Barrier, None Shall Pass, Ghhhk, and Projective Telepathy allow you to choose your battles as well as retrieve extra force. The destiny in this deck is fairly good, mostly 3 and above once you pull out your main characters with PotH. Bib helps the destiny cause even more. Jabba + 4-LOM + Iggy + Bib = way too much attrition for opponent to cover. Now for some card choices.

Bib Fortuna Screw his normal gametext. The text that the objective gives him is invaluable. That +2 is huge and will win you many battles, plus it helps to knock out characters like Obi and Luke whose immunity is high.

Projective Telepathy Cancels AFA although I dont need that around here. Helps immensely against Order to Engage since I dont have a Point Man in here (should probably put one in). Also lets you retrive force by battling, and then cancelling the battle.

Hutt Smooch Bubo misses a lot on Boussh. This gets rid of her for sure and also keeps EPP Leia from deploying elsewhere. Also helpful for Artoo + A Gift.

Elis Helrot Because that one beatdown could mean the game. Not worth the slots to play more than one, but too good to pass up.

Baby Jabba Because he protects Scum from Alter. He also adds to the forfeit of your Abyssins, always helpful since, combined with the objective, then can get up to 7

Only 3 Ships Because you dont need any more. Jabbas Palace drains + Search and Destroy will do the damage. These ships are for possible beatdowns and retrival purposes. Besides, if you lose one early, chances are youll get it back pretty soon.

Only 4 locations Because they all come out easily. Besides, Scum decks dont need much force because all the characters deploy for dirt. Its nice not to have the 0s floating around in your deck.

Sorry, but no matchups to note. You people can figure them out anyway. I trust you. ) So there you are. Remember, constructive feedback, and enjoy. ‘