Hits From Tha Bong (light version)

Title: Hits From Tha Bong (light version)
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Dec 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Hoth NR Hoth Shields HFTMF Your Insight serves you well Wise Advise Do or do not

Locations Hoth Yavin 4 Kiffix Hoth DB Hoth War Room HothEcho corridor

Charactors Comander Luke Zev Boussh COmander Wedge Obi w/saber Jedi Luke Figrin Da’n Tk-422

Ships X-wing x11 Red squad x wing x2 Spiral

Interupts Signal x4 Rebel barrier Organized Attack x3 Out of Nowhere Transmition Term. Grimtash Houjix It’s a trap Collision Hyper Escape All wings report in x2

Effects Eject Eject New Secret base Echo Base ops Echo base Garrison Prjection of a skywalker Incom Corp Yarna Rebel Fleet Legendary starfighter What are you trying to push on us? Honor of the Jedi Ice storm ‘

Strategy: ‘

**DECK EDIT** There is one more effect in here Civil Dissorder *****************

Well this deck is a mean EBO deck. You dont start off like normal EBO decks, so they will probobly think you are playing “Deadbolt”. YOu have to get out A new secret base early, so you can set up the deck. You have 4 signals in there, so it shouldnt be a problem. YOu have Perfect SAC in this deck, they have to lose sense plus 2 force, and your card goes back to your deck. Once you get out ANSB, search for your sites first. Then get out EB garrison and get out your guys that you can search for (luke, wedge, zev). Deploy Boussh and Tk-422 to block some drains, plus you have Rebel fleet and Projection to help slow down thier drains. Get out Incom, drop some x-wings and drain like crazy. If they are dumb ebough to battle, Play Collision, Out of Nowhere, Rebel barrier, Organized attack, ect and you will still win. Even if they drop dengar will 8 x-wings, you power will still be way more than thiers. Ok, lets see some matchups

Huntdown This deck has a chance against you. Cancle VIsage with spies or transmition term. Keep Insight out in case of numbers. If they bring a crew to hoth, set up EBO first, then run luke to thier docking bays using the hoth DB. They can’t transit out, but you can. Then they flip back. If they Pick up vader, just transit back and they have to run under the shields all over again. They wont have a huge amount of space, so you should hold your ground (air) in space.

MKOS this can hurt. Most play with that effect that doesnt let you cancel thier drains. All you can do is out drain them in space. Retrive will All wings and Firgin Dan to win

BHBM Give them Jedi luke (that’s why he is in there) early, so they lose a force at the end of thier turns. Beat down whatever they have in space, and out drain them like crazy. You have SAC control so senses and alters wont be a problem. THis should be an easy game.

Ties You should over power them always. Invade Wekelumi and take it over. You should win this game.

Manipulation HA You have protection from just about everything including Monnok Myoom onith wont have time to kill of males, they will all be out before she can. You WIN

Anything Else Play as ussual. Never Forget your CIval Dissorder, and force drains. Retvriving with Figrin dan each turn is a must.

Hope You enjoyed the deck If you use it, and crush people with it, be shure to mail me and say so. THANKS FOR REVIEWING ‘