Hunting Down Phil

Title: Hunting Down Phil
Author: Steve "BlackViper" Marshall
Date: Dec 7, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Hunting Down Phil

STARTING (9) Hunt Down And Destroy The Phil Holo-Phil-atre Visage Of The Phil Phil Chamber Epic Phil Prepared Phil Crush The Phil Imperial Phil Order Phil Points

INTERRUPTS (13) HoloNet Transmission I Have You Now Masterful Move x 2 Nevar Yalnal Point Man The Circle Is Now Complete This Is Some Rescue Twi’lek Advisor x 2 Vader’s Obsession x 2 You Are Beaten

CHARACTERS (18) 4-LOM With Canceller Darth Vader Darth Vader, DLOTS Darth Vader With Glo-Stik x 2 Dengar With Elom Killer Dr. Evazan Emperor Phil x 2 Shiny Grand Moff Tarkin x 2 Janus Greejatus Lord Vader Mara Jade x 2 Mighty Jabba x 2 Sim Aloo

WEAPONS (3) Darth Vader’s Saber Mara’s Saber Vader’s Saber

EFFECTS (10) Battle Order Disarmed Imperial Decree No Escape Oppressive En-Phil-ment Reactor Terminal Secret Plans There’ll Be Hell To Pay Visage Of The Emperor You Cannot Hide Forever

STARSHIPS (3) Fett In Roadster Bossk In Bus Zuckuss In Z-Train

LOCATIONS (4) Carida Exec DB DS DB (not ds2) CC DB ‘

Strategy: ‘

I want IG-88 w/ to fit in this deck - if you see a card slot I can do without, let me know

I built several different Hunt Down decks from DeckTech before finally settling on mine. I took the best of what worked for me from everyone’s dex, took out everything else, and this is what happened. If I have a chance of flipping, I get a battleground DB out and deploy Vader right away. If not (or if I have a battleground DB in hand), I pull the Exec DB, deploy Lord Vader there if that’s the one I’ve got, and move over. Lord is a little cheaper. Easy flip, tons of Force to activate, and high destinies. That’s a dangerous combination.

I use 2 EPP Vaders because this is a duelling deck. Otherwise, I fear Grimtaash. All your docking bays are mobile sites, so Projection can’t reduce your drains, and you can’t get Lost In The Wilderness. If you know it’s coming, keep Vader on the mobile sites and let the lackeys do the rest of the work. I usually use 1 Obession and 1 Circle, but I added an extra Obsession for Mara.

The destinies in this deck are pathetically high, and Reactor Terminal makes tracking much easier than Janus. This Is Some Rescue cancels that annoying Out Of Commission (Used destiny 6), Point Man gets rid of Order To Engage (Lost destiny 5), and Nevar takes care of spies (Lost destiny 6). These are much better than Sense (Used destiny 3), Alter (Used destiny 4), and Hutt Smooch (Lost destiny 2). And with Wise Advice and Do Or Do Not in every deck LS throws at you these days, these cards add a fun twist into your opponent’s strategy.

Carida can be pulled with Mobile Points. Most people’s decks that I saw use Rendili instead; I don’t know why; Carida gives you 2 icons and your opponent 1, it’s a drain -1 for your opponent, and it’s a parsec 1, leaving it at the far end of the galaxy, trapping some ships. You have the space power to hold a system for the entire game, but you probably won’t hold 2 at the same time. That’s okay - you don’t need to. Just drop your blue to beat LS out of the air while draining and damaging like mad on the ground. Let 4-LOM join the Z-Train for added carnage. If you’re against Profit or any other space-devoid deck, drop any 1 ship at Carida and deploy Battle Order. They won’t be able to pay for their drains after time.

You can deal all sorts of damage with Dengar and the good Doctor together. Deploy them and wait. Disarm someone during your opponent’s control phase, kill him, hit 2 more people, kill them, and now you’re left against a lone Tawss Khaa. They should have trouble getting rid of Visage if you play right. Get HoloNet Trans in your hand (Masterful Move) ASAP, and fortify the Holotheatre with Emperor Phil and his lackeys. No spy is gonna take that out, and Trans Terminated is getting cancelled. If they do manage to kill Visage, play No Escape on your next turn, beat them away with a stick, and deploy it again. This cycle is why I only play 1 extra Visage in the deck.

Secret Plans makes it hard to retrieve, so much so that I didn’t see a need for CHYBC. I don’t want to cancel their drains at non-battlegrounds such as my Executor; I’ll kill them off my Executor. That’s why the Docking Bay is in the deck; They deploy to the Holotheatre to cancel visage, I deploy there, kill them, and transit out. The Executor should be Med Chamber, Holotheatre, DB.

Imperial Decree is in the deck only for EBO. I HATE EBO. I can’t stand it. Between Imp Decree and Battle Order, EBO doesn’t stand a chance. This deck has taken out 4 versions of the deadlock decks, the main playtest I used when constructing it. Make sure you leave a Force for Sim when battles are tough. Battle Luke so you can cancel one of his Epic Duel destinies, making it simple to turn him. If you play your destinies right, you won’t even have to cancel his destiny. This is just in case. If you’re tracking and just can’t activate enough Force, use Janus to burn a card off your deck. Use him at the end of your turn and the beginning of your opponent’s turn to burn 2 cards. Reactor Terminal is for placing destinies - Janus is used to get to them. You can even sit Emperor Phil on a DB alone and hold I Have You Now in your hand if you’re feeling dangerous, although I don’t recommend it except in dire circumstances. I’ve seen MAJOR damage done to the lone Emperor by an alien beat squad in turn 1 (yes, that’s turn 1), so watch out.

I think that’s it. In summary 4-LOM takes out mains, and IG88 (if I fit him in the deck) captures Profit Han. Both of them help the Z-Train take out LS space forces. Against Profit, start Mara and Jabba in the Chamber. If you don’t have Vader in your opening hand, give Mara her saber (if you have Vader and deploy Mara’s saber, you won’t have enough Force left to deploy Vader for the flip). I tried using Search And Destoy in this deck, and I found that I just don’t like the card. I don’t like holding the 2 battlegrounds; if I feel forced to combine forces at 1 battleground, the card and direct damage goes away. I can find better uses for that card slot. The space can take any Hidden Base or EBO while the drains and Visage chip away at your opponent’s Life Force. Every single destiny 0 card in this deck can be pulled out, another nice feature. Make sure you pull Carida 1st turn You can deploy it if you so desire, or you can lose it easily to a Force Drain. Whatever you choose, take the 0 out of the deck before you draw it for destiny. Good luck with the deck, and have fun Thanks ahead of time for your constructive reviews.

-Steve ‘