Sucez Mes Boules (suck my balls)

Title: Sucez Mes Boules (suck my balls)
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Dec 10, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘STARTING TIGIH Endor CHief CHirpra?s hut Endor Landing Platform Jedi Luke Luke?s Saber Heading for the medical frigate Insurection Staging Areas There is no try I feel the conflict

Locations HOmeonedocking bay Docking Bay HOth Docking Bay

CHaractors Eloms x12 Obi-wan w/saber x3 Bothan Spy x3

Interups WHat are you trying to push on us x3 It?s a trap Out of commision x3 The signal x2 Obbysian Ornament x2 Rebel Barrier x2

Effects Traffic COntrol Never tell me the odds x2 Eject Eject Yarna d?a?Gargan Mantellian Savrip x2 Ounee ta Revolution x3 Goo nee tay Cival Dissorder I hope she?s all right Den of Thieves

SHips Home one Liberty Independence ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok first off, I got the deck name when I was fooling around listening to south Park the Movie”in French on my Playstation 2. I thought it would be funny. ok heres the strategy

if they have imperials at sites, they are screwed from the start. Use luke to drain early, then if they come marching in, just give them luke. Stack up alittle force if you have to, then drop a crew of e-loms with obi-and lay the smack down. Grab all thier important interups, try to get your insert out eraly, before you deploy obi-wan. Then use cival dissorder and I hope she is allright to make then lose alot of force for not deploying. If they manage to get out more guys than you, just use your savrip and forfet some Big SHips. Stack up cards quick on Your Destiny and cross vader, and win. AGAINST CERTAIN DECKS Huntdown, Beatdown big time with eloms, kill of vader and use your inserts to win. Bothans to kill of Visage Ralltiir- You win Occupation- You win Court- Beatdown if they drop mara, use inserts to win, if not, run around killing with jedi luke. BHBM- GIve them luke, win alot of battles, then use bothans and eloms to kill of vader and emporer at DS2 throne room Inserts YOu win Ties Deploy all ships at once, with dubs for forfit with savrip ISB constant battles, use spies to go to thier 2/0 sites and kill them, if they have any imperials, they are screwed. ANything else, just react to what your opponent is doing. remeber, if they have imperials, you should win.