How to build a happy fun ball

Title: How to build a happy fun ball
Author: Brian "Armus" Sykes
Date: Dec 10, 2000 Rating: 3.5




Endor Operations Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform Overseeing it Personally

Starting Hand(3) Moff Jerjerrod Death Star II Imperial Arrest Order


Death Star II Coolant Shaft Death Star II Capacitors Death Star II Reactor Core Death Star II Docking Bay Kashyyyk Sullust Tatooine


Darth Vader x2 Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade Admiral Chiraneau Admiral Piett Captain Godherdt Commander Merrejk DS-61-2 DS-61-3 4-Lom w/Gun U-3PO Dengar w/Gun

Starships(15) Flagship Executor Devastator Conquest Thunderflare Vengeance Accuser Death Squadron Star Destroyer Dreadnaught The Emperors Shield Scythe Squadorn Tie x2 Bossk in Bus Zuckuss in Party Wagon Boba Fett in Bubble IG-88 in IG2K

Epic Event(1)

That Thing’s Operational


Vader’s Lightsaber Mara’s Lightsaber


Twi’lek Advisor x3

Effects(9) Something Special Planned for them Secret Plans Security Precautions Lateral Damage Reactor Terminal Battle Order Imperial Decree Opressive Enforcement You Cannot Hide Forever

Admiral’s Order(1)

We’re in Attack Position Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

For you Statisticians out there Avg. Destiny (not including Starting stuff) 2.02 Mode Destiny 1 (16 cards) Median Destiny 2


Early-Game 1st Turn deploy DSII and IAO, and go and get DSIIDB. Deploy Jerjerrod to DSIIDB and get a DSII sector.(coolant shaft if possible, otherwise either of the other 2.) If there is anything cool in your force pile, draw up. The death Star should be operational by turn 3 or 4. Try to get another system out and a fleet down there (preferably Sullust) so you can move the DSII and start causing Damage.

Mid-Game By now you should be holding 2 systems and making opponent lose at least 5 a turn between drains and DSII Damage. Try to get Battle Order out and secure a site with some of your Power characters. This should be where the game starts to turn in your favor. Try to use your Bounty Hunter ships together to control a system, since they rock together. Overall you should own space in general. Use U-3PO to stop a big ground drain.

End Game Just keep doing what you’re doing and you should be able to out damage him. If you need to beat him down, you have the characters for it so go ahead

Against certain deck types

Hidden Base (flip)

Don’t deploy That thing’s operational until you’re sure you wont get your DSII blown away. Twilek for Security Precautions and Battle Order ASAP. After they flip, probe like mad and beat them down wherever they go. Yes, they probably have the power to hold Kessel or some other system, but you should still be able to out damage them, because they die if they divide their forces.

Hidden Base M&T

If they’re not flipping then they probably dont have enough space to confront you. Go to town in space and stay off the ground unless you know you can inflict serious damage, as a ground beatdown could swing the game. (This deck’s one loss was the result of Mara + 2 Scrubs getting beat down in the cantina by Eloms. The Space Stuff still caused a lot of damage)


As soon as they insert, or if you can see it coming, get YCHF ASAP. Numbers will hurt you a lot if they work, so try to stop it by any means possible. Aside from that, just follow your game plan.


This is actually a pretty easy match up. Lock down a site (Tatooine site if possible, otherwise EDB) drop battle order, and sit back, because there isnt much they can do to stop a drain of 7 in space + 2 (or 3 if you have a Tat site) from TTO. Almost a guaranteed auto-win. Just get decree out to kill the FD bonuses. If they are playing profit/Menace fades (which I actually did see once) beat the @#$% out of whatever motley fleet they have.

Agents in the court

If it’s Eloms or Speeders stay the hell away and set up in the Bunker for Decree and try to out drain them.


Try to get some early space drains in before they set up. After they do, make sure to get Decree into effect, and BO helps too. This will be a very battle-intense game, so try to get a lot of power down fast. Your BH ships can be life savers for the destinies they add. A tough game, but winnable


This could be another tough matchup. Try to get Bossk in Bus, all your big baddies and head for a show down on Dagobah. Losing your drain bonuses will hurt but you should still be able to drain for a steady 4-5 in space as well as TTO Damage. Just dont spread too thin and look out for surprise assault.

ok, now to answer a few questions you might be asking

Q Why Start Endor Operations? A Two Words Strike Planning. If this is started against me I still get full activation on my first turn as opposed to starting the Endor system alone. Plus, the EDB gives me a battleground system for Battle Order against HB and EBO.

Q Why the Scythe Squadron Ties? A Destiny 4, Ability 2 pilots that deploy to Endor for 2 force. Thats the same reason I have the Emperor’s Shield in there. This deck should Own Endor the whole game.

I also should point out that I would love to add an Imperial Command or 2 to this deck, but alas I do not own them. Same goes for the Vaders. I use Prem b/c I dont own Lord Vader and think WB Vader is better than DLOTS in this type of deck.

Other Cards I wouldnt mind finding room for Dr. E Disarmed (I love this combo) Ephant Mon Boba Fett w/Gun (I own this but cant decide if its better than Boba in ship with this deck) Emperor (Alas, I dont own this one either) Grabber

Any choices for removal to make room for these cards is appreciated.

So what do you think? D-Mail me with any questions.

Brian “Armus” Sykes

STCCG World runner up… Tryin to get good at the OTHER Decipher game. ‘