Totmacher - die Erste

Title: Totmacher - die Erste
Author: Markus "Lone Gunner" Wuest
Date: Dec 12, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (4)

JP Audience Chamber T Cantina T Jabbas Palace T Mos Eisley

Characters (20)

Baragwin x 3 Figrin Dan Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol x 2 Han Lando with Vibro-thing Leia with Blaster Rifle x 2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x 2 Masta Luke x 2 Ben Kenobi x 2 Obi with Lightsaber Rennek Yoxgit

Creatures (1)


Interrupts (22)

Courage of a Skywalker Fallen Portal Gift of the Mentor Glancing Blow Heading for the Medical Frigate Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x 2 Narrow Escape x 2 On the Edge x 2 Out of Commission Rebel Barrier x 2 Run Luke, Run Someone Who loves you x 2 The Signal x 2 Weapon Levitation You will take me to Jabba now x 2

Effects (7)

Your insight serves you well Battle Plan Bo Shuda Order to Engage Uh-Oh What are you trying to push on us Wise Advice

Weapons (4)

Anakins Lightsaber Ewok Catapult Intruder Missile Lukes Lightsaber

Devices (1)

Bionic Hand

Objective (1)

You can either profit by this… / or be destroyed

Strategy: ‘

This is the deck I built to beat Hunt Down….

please make it Lando with Vibro-Thing x 2

Start with the Objective, Heading for the Medical Frigate, Uh-Oh, Wise Advice and Your insights serves you well…

1st sent your baragwins (using Nar Shaddaa WC) to the chamber along with rennek (using You will take…) to setup your retrieval of the the high destiny weapons and devices…

2nd use the Bo-Shuda/Order to engage/Worrt/Rennek combo to cause some force loss

3rd sent your mains (use weapon levitaion to get their lightsabers out) down to free han (with someone who loves you)

4th use the on the edges to retrieve some more with the tracked 7s in your deck

5th if someone tries to duell you..its okay, because you got very high destinies in your deck, along with glancing and courage, it will give you the edge

I think this deck is pretty straight forward, so i dont explain the use of the other cards in this deck….

This deck rocks..because of the retrieval and the floating high destinies…just give it a try and youll like it