EBO X-wings Review me please

Title: EBO X-wings Review me please
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Dec 12, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (4) Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth North Ridge The Signal A New Secret Base

Locations (6) Hoth Kiffex Kashyyyk Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Command Center (War Room) Hoth Echo Corridor

Characters (7) TK-422 Boussh Luke with Lightsaber Ishi Tib x3 Arcona

Starships (14) X-wing x13 Lando in Millennium Falcon

Weapons (1) X-wing Laser Cannon

Interrupts (16) The Signal x2 Organized Attack x4 Houjix Hyper Escape Rebel Barrier x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 All Wings Report In x2 Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (12) Ice Storm Do, or Do Not Wise Advice What’re You Tryin To Push On Us? Incom Corporation x2 Rebel Fleet Order to Engage Legendary Starfighter Projection of a Skywalker Honor of the Jedi Echo Base Operations ‘

Strategy: ‘

  • If you tell me it looks like Brian Hunters deck you are stupid. He uses EBG and pulls pilots to set up. I use Tibs. That’s a big difference.

This was my light deck that went undefeated at a recent tournament but I still finsihed badly because my dark went winless. That doesn’t happen alot it seems nowadays. This deck is 6-1 overall only losing to a Flagship Ops deck that had 50 power at every system. Yep, that’s fun. Basically, set up EBO with your Tibs and Arcona. Wind Chimes help you get them out faster. Use undercover spies to block drains along with Projection of a Skywalker. In space set up at the systems with an X-wing or two at each and have Incom Corp out. When they come to beat on you, play Bairrer, Hyper Escape, or Houjix. On your turn deploy a whole bunch of X-wings, battle ,play Organized Attack, and then you proceed to beat on them. Drains of 3 and 4 put alot of pressure on them so they are forced to come to you or you drain them out. Use the X-wing Cannon on the bounty hunter ships. Rebel Fleet blocks drains once per turn and All Wings Report In can provide some retrieval. Lando in Falcon is for support for your X-wings and if you can get Legendary Starfighter setup, deploy it on him for 2 damage a turn for your opponents. Very easy deck to play and set up, I guess that is why I am capable of winning with it. Prevent Decree with Ice Storm and the Arcona.

Matchups BHBM Give them Luke, block their drains, prevent beatdown, grab their SAC, and then you have auto win. I am 3-0 vs BHBM with this deck. Only time you could lose are A) You are really unlucky B) You have a 1250 rating or you should have one but are really inflated (meaning you suck) C) Your opponent is much better than you and plays smarter

Hunt down Play Transmission Terminated. Stop Decree. Same as last game pretty much. Auto-win unless you are…. (lookabove)

Scum Take out his ships with X-wing Cannon. Auto-win other wise unless you play dumb. Remember, play smart.

Big Blue/TIEs Hardest matchups. Duke it out in space and sneak in a drain for 3 every now and then. Just gotta play smart and don’t get overpowered by SD’s loaded up with pilots or TIEs. Vs Ties, always let them make the first move.

Any more questions, d-mail me.

  • Wedge231 http//www.tosche.f2s.com ‘