Filthy Jawas That Have AIDS

Title: Filthy Jawas That Have AIDS
Author: Dan "Mystikal" Christy
Date: Dec 12, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Purple Agents In The Court

Sitez Hutt Trade Route Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Desert x2 Tat Hutt Canyon

White Artoo Jawa x10 Tessek x2 Aved Luun x3 (Rep.) Kalit Rennek Jedi Luke

Blue Ronto

Effects Bo Shuda A Gift Sandwhirl x3 Order To Engage Wise Advice Uh-Oh Yarna d’al’ Gargan Jawa Siesta x3 Bargaining Table x2 Grabber Ountee Ta Mechanical Failure x2

Interrupts Transmission Terminated x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 Utinni x3 You Will Take Me To Jabba Now x3 HFTMF Houjix x2 Rebel Barrier Effective Repairs

(cards 61-64) (The Signal) (Civil Disorder) (Do Or Do Not) [Order To Engage(a second one)] ‘

Strategy: ‘

Thanks to Ted Hansen for co-creating this mess.

el-diablo; I fear no walker and Dark Deal hasn’t been played in any tournament I’ve been in since Gencon.

anyways; ok, this is stronger than it appears. Some Tech right off… Aved Luun can pull a jawa or Utinni on your control phase. By definition Aved Luun is a jawa so you can pull her and you know when you will be able to cancel a battle destiny. Also, whilst she is at the AC, and there are 3 jawas down, you can use Utinni to cancel a force drain at Tatooine, or a Control. You can protect your sandwhirl should someone try to Control it. Hutt Canyon states that when you have a jawa there that the dark side cannot draw battle destiny there. When Sandwhirl hits the desert, it is likely that you will see a walker or 2. That is what Mechanical Failure is for. They have a big power of 0 with only forfeit-able material inside. Kalit makes the Jawas power of 3 each, and makes Jawa Siesta a high value card. A destiny of 6, and adds 2 to each Jawa’s forfeit for each copy down. Tessek drops the deploy to 0 and raises your force drains.

Match-ups vs. MKOS; Use Bo Shuda and OTE to own the Audience Chamber and force their guys out into the storm. this should be the easiest match up possible. Rennek will stop Bubo from being a menace in the AC.

vs Hunt Down; Get Visage gone as fast as possible. Sandwhirl will handle Vader if they tread on Tatooine. Otherwise, let your drains take them out. Not too much of a problem considering most of them only use 2 docking bays and you can cancel 2 drains a turn if needed. Tatooine WILL be yours.

vs. BHBM; That’s why JK Luke is in here. Put him in a Desert and make Vader come over. When or if he does, Sandwhirl him to hell. Auto-Win.

vs. Court; Take the AC and laugh. The jawas will see to it that anyone who is brave enough to evade a sandwhirl will get beatdown. The deserts will stop anyone in their tracks. yet another auto-win, as Tatooine belongs clearly to the Jawas.

vs. Endor Ops; Setup as fast as you possibly can while keeping defense cards in case of a beatdown. This will be a drain race but your ability to cancel drains with steady retrieval gives you the edge. Just drain fast. JK Luke is also nice when you want to attack their Endor DB.

vs. TIES Treat this the same as Endor Ops. Your drain cancelling is your advantage. Setup fast and drain. Fear not the suicide beatdown. Just Sandwhirl any survivors.

That should do it. If you can think of any changes, just put them in your review or Dmail me. Never underestimate the power of a jawa with nothing to lose…

Dan ”Mystikal” Christy ‘