Engage the X-wings (dagobah x-wings)

Title: Engage the X-wings (dagobah x-wings)
Author: Neal "Dredlox" Razi
Date: Nov 16, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Mind what you have learned / Save you it can

Locations (11) Dagobah (start) Kessel X 2 Kiffex X 2 Tatooine Bespin Corluag Dagobah Bog Clearing Dagobah Yodas Hut Dagobah Swamp

Characters (4) Yoda Arcona X 2 TK-422

Starships (16) X-wing X 14 Red Leader in Red 1 Lando in Falcon

Interrupts (18) The Signal X 4 Grimtaash All Wings Report In Organized Attack X 2 Hyperescape X 2 Rebel Barrier X 2 Houjix X 2 Out of Nowhere I Have a Bad Feeling About This Tranmission Terminated X 2

Effects (9) Yarna Gargan (start) What’re you trying to push on us Legendary Starfighter Rebel Fleet S-foils For Luck Order to Engage The Planet That It’s Farthest From Battle Plan

Devices (1) Landing Claw ‘

Strategy: ‘

6/11/00 Please everyone this deck is about two expansions old. Do not review or play this deck based on the current card list. There are many strains i have since, including jedi test to one, mains (even mains with jedi presence), and all include laser cannons and power pivot. PLEASE review this deck based only on the archetype meaning, Mwhyl x-wings beatdown using the obj to protect all the interrupts and the order to engage damage. Force the opponent up, and when he does crush him. Thanks. Also, be it noted i ACCIDENTALLY deleted stuart jones 3.5 star review while testing the new design’s delete review function. sorry.

This is a typical style of deck I like to play because of it’s trickery, I played it at Deciphercon. Qualifications first. 3-1 in wild card, only losing because i had obi with stick in there like an idiot, and he got dueled. 3-1 at 1800 invitational only losing because T.j. Holman is a great player A friend of mine used it at The Gauntlet, and it was undefeated. I just changed one card since then (tk-422, i don’t know how i missed that) and a couple cards between the two days (pulling out obi adding lando/falcon)

By using mwyhl instead of hidden base, you achieve a number of advantages over hidden base 1) no security precautions 2) throw down systems and start draining, no waiting to ‘flip’ 3) Yarna and other interrupts are very nearly impervious to sense and alter especially when combined with For Luck Disadvantages are early force for opponent, and not being able to pull out systems, i think it’s a good trade off for being able to swarm without worrying about losing yarna

here’s the way it should work ideally. 1) Pull out yodas hut/yoda (he gives extra force and reduces attrition and prevents opponent from annoying you at dagobah), pull out each site while tracking and pulling out the key systems and effects, that is why so many signals. You may need to track tatooine or bespin especially. 2) throw down systems with lone x-wings while blocking drains with rebel fleet/arconas/tk 3) after tiring of paying for battle plan and getting crushing drains, the opponent will generally assume you are stupid, and try to crush a lone xwing, you barrier/hyperescape whatever. (ideally barrier him with order to engage down, lose 3 force he he he ) 4) throw down a crushing, crushing blow on his starships. they nearly always underestimate what kind of damage you can do. Play legendary starfighter preferably on falcon. 5) drain out, play all wings report in, fly down to swamp

of course, it almost never works that way entirely perfectly, so here’s what to do.

All you really have to do to win any space battles is use you mobility. the incredible cheapness and efficiency of just clawing a bunch of ships and running away and draining is incredible, because your hyperspeeds are so awesome and your deploy is so cheap. If the guy builds up an overwhelming force, just claw. he has to split up. You then just follow around the strong force with the claw, and the weak force you tail with a butload of xwings. he either has to suicide or lose 3 force from order to engage. If he gets sloppy, engage the s-foils and puree. And you generally have plenty of force even if you can’t thwart battle order with your arconas.

Speaking of, everyone thought arconas would suck, and they rocked. I never once got hit without a houjix, and by using them to move you can actually block a drain AND cause loss of force with order to engage (sorry mike g.) They also prevent you from getting battle planned, and search and destroy. Ok, they are risky, but the whole freaking deck is risky. Which brings one word of advice. To play this deck you must be willing to fly by the seat of your pants. You have to be willing to not panic and stay calm, and even pretend to be a little stupid. There are defintily cards that can hurt you (tarkin’s orders, nemet) you just have to hang on to the houjixes and you’ll be alright. this is an INCREDIBLY fun deck to play, and is very frustrating to the opponent. However, don’t play this one if you there is any chance of an opponent teching against you. I have many, many more play notes for instance use for luck not just to stop sense/alter but to prevent high destiny counter assaults, if you like this style of deck, write me and we’ll discuss it. Hell, that is what deck tech is for Enjoy Neal aka dredlox sometimes known as Lennox Lewis.

New Note Sorry I haven’t checked this in awhile, thank you for all your constructive reviews. This deck you are looking at here is a little dated with ECC and EJP out. I’m going to have to make an update on it soon, i didn’t know it was that popular. Quickly, the cards which will possibly rotate in are, of course, the dreaded X-wing laser cannons, perhaps power pivot, wars not make one great, and the arconas probably require a non-unique swamp. Oh and boushh completely replaces tk-422 she is really hard to make snack food for Bubo. Just keep this stuff in mind when reviewing this deck from now on, ok? Any reviews at this point i’d ask just be based on it’s archetype and not specific cards. Thanks all, enjoy - Neal

p.s. Just for fun, you know how this deck started out? As an Anti-Drazin deck Take a look, there are no rebels, manipulation does nothing to it, and let Corp Drazin chew on those massive drains. Funny, eh?

addendum to test the editing feature, i’ll comment on a response to my deck. one gentleman worried that Lateral Damage might give this deck a hard time. Well, I think Lateral Damage is about the scariest card in the game, but when you are playing this deck, it’s a joke. First of all, it’s like killing one borg, there are generally more where that came from. Secondly, if someone lateral damages you, just barrier/hyperescape to dagobah, and then land at the swamp. you sink, lateral damage is lost, you then later redeploy your previously damaged x-wing for a smack and/or use it to block a drain on rebel fleet. Use same strategy for Homing Beacons.

addendum 2 Update on arconas I keep catching flack for the arconas, people keep saying they stink. I KNOW they can stink, but it doesn’t matter. If someone first strikes you, then next turn attack and first strike them back and then houjix They are NOT, I repeat NOT mission critical to the deck, feel free to pull them out and put in spies or whatever, they are two freaking cards. AND when they work, they work miracles They are in there for Order to Engage, Search and destroy, EJP objective and to block drains. Do they make a tasty snack for bubo, yes, of course. But it’s one card for you, they have to deploy one card, and generally, they’ve already saved you like ten cards. ‘