The Prophecy

Title: The Prophecy
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Dec 17, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Court of the Vile Gangster Tat Great Pit of Carkoon Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Dungeon Prep?d Defenses No Bargain Power of the Hut Oppressive Enforcement

Locations Jabba?s Palace Cantina Jabba’s Palce Lower CHambers

Characters Jabba the Hut Jabba 4LOM w/gun x2 Fett w/gun x2 Jodo Kast Dr. Evazan x2 Outer Rim Scout x2 Cloud City Engineer Chall Bekan Boelo Djas Puhr IG88 w/gun Gailid Dengar w/gun Ephant Mon Bubo

Starships Bossk in HT Dengar in P1 Zuckuss in MH Jabba?s Space Cruiser

Interrupts Imperial Barrier x2 Hidden Weapons x2 Control x2 Hutt Smooch x2 None Shall Pass x2 Twilek Adv Sniper

Effects You Can?t Hide 4ever Secret Plans First Strike Search & Destroy Security Precautions Scum & Villainy x2 Disarmed x2 Hutt Influence ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, Before you guys give me a 1/2 saying I copied the “Invicible Court” deck, hear me out. I play tested his deck, and I found that this version workes way better. It got me 3rd place in my last tournie, it went 3-0. Ok here is the Stategy

I changed a few this from the invicible court deck. I added in some of the new Jabba’s Palace Sealed deck cards such as HUtt Influence and Power of the Hut. These cards tottaly make the deck run alot better. Power of the HUtt allows you to search for Ephont Mon, Boelo and your Hutt Influence. HUtt Influnce doenst let them cancel or modify your drains where you have two different aliens (perfect for Hidden Base). I also added a Bubo and another Hutt smooch because a few people play heavy spies here. I took out Mara Jade because she can screw up Scum and Vilany and None shall Pass, plus if they play eloms, she could be a game loser for you. I agree, her +1 drain is nice, but just use galid or add in Presence of the force if it is that much of a big deal. I also ditched Mighty Jabba for Jabba the Hut. This deck doesn’t give you big activation if you play against any kind of force choke deck. Being able to activate 1 force for each drain with an alien can help alot. Plus he adds to the forfet of your other aliens. OK, lets see some matchups

PROFIT Start Jabba and Chall Bekan. Search for your cloud city engineer. Deploy him you first turn and convert your site back. COnvert Jabba’s Palace ASAP. Then just use your deck to fish out your aliens and Independant ships if nessisary. Scum, None shall pass, Imperial barrier, and Ephont Mon will keep them from getting han. Make shure you get out secret plans, because most people wont have 10 force sitting there to pay for thier retrival. YOu should crush this easily.

HIDDEN BASE Tough Game. Get out Hutt INfluence so they can’t cancel your drains. Search for indepent ships and deploy them in bunches. Becareful of Reacts and beatdowns. Use your controls to cancel thier drains. This is just going to ge a drain war, but your should win it.

AGENTS HA You should thrash this.

TIGIH STAY AWAY FROM LUKE. If you get someone like boba and evason, go dissarm and operate on him (EVIL). There, by by luke. Then becarful of speeders, if you suspect speeders, stay inside and drain.

ANYTHING ELSE Just play normally and react to what your opponent does. Let your deck crush anyone in it’s path.

If anyone uses this and does really well with it, please tell me THANKS FOR REVIEWING

-JB ‘