Jason’s Dark Deal

Title: Jason’s Dark Deal
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Dec 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time Cloud City Downtown Plaza Secret Plans Imperial Arreast Order Mobilization Points Oppresive Enforcement

Locations Cloud City East Platform {Docking Bay} Cloud City Casino Cloud City Port Town District Upper Walkway Bespin Bespin Cloud City

Characters Lord Vader[2] DVDLOTS[2] Mara Jade[2] Emporer Palpatine ECC IG-88 EPP Fett AT-ST Pilot[3] Admiral Ozzel General Veeres Officer Evax Commander Igar Baron Soontir Fel Admiral Chiraneau DS-61-3

Starships And Vehicles Zuckuss In Ship Bossk In Ship Dengar In Ship Executor Chimaera Dominator Tempest scout 1 Tempest scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Tempest Scout[3] Combat Cloud Car[3] OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1

Interupts Impirial Barrier[2] Impirial Command Ghhk Twilec Advisor Hutt Smooch

Effects Dark Deal[2] Cloud City Occupation You Cannot Hide Forever Battle Order Lataral Damage Search And Destroy

Whepons Vaders Stick Maras Stick ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay the main idea of the deck is to Dark Deal working and drain your opponet to death. All the cloud city sites in the deck are extirior so you can deploy the walkers there. You just put a walker and a pilot at each site and save force to react with. The other characters are in here so if they get hold of one of the sites you can get them off. For controling the sector you have the combat cloud cars that are power 4 ability 2 and can deploy as a react OS-72-1 in obsidian 1 that is power 5 at the sector plus the bounty hunter ships that can be used for either the system or the sector. For the system there is the executor and all the other star destroyers plus lataral damage.When everything is set up you can make the opponet lose as much as 15 force or more.


VS EBO Get set up as fast as you can. It will be a drain race so you want to get a jump. If they get set up faster then you you will have a hard time winning. If EBO is popular in your area then put in resistence so that they can only drain for 2 at each system. If they start to spread out you can go attack them but generaly you dont want to attack him. It will be a hard match but youcan win it.

Vs Mains Do your regualar stuff they will come and battle you but there is unuff in this deck to beat them off Bespin. If they get the super falcon at bespin use lataral damage and imperial command to beat them down. On the ground they will bring there mains so it will be hard to get dark deal working. You should win this easy.

VS Hidden Base Start with You cannot hide forever instead of oppresive enforcement. When you occupy 2 battlegrounds dump it to get search and destroy. Drain for tons. If you want to you can go find there base but i think it would be wiser to just get occupation working and cause maximum damage. If they use the spys use hutt smooch. This will be a easy match.

VS Profit Dont start anyb ody in the chamber. Just outdrain them. If they come to battle you should already be set up so dont worry about that. This is another easy match.

Probaly missing somthing but im tired.