Why Steven Lewis Has My Uncut Sheet

Title: Why Steven Lewis Has My Uncut Sheet
Author: Chris "Jedi Taboos" Praskac
Date: Dec 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Agents of the Court

Locations (7) Hutt Trade Route Tatt Jabba’s Palace Tatt DB Hoth DB Tattoine x3

Characters (5) Luke Skywalker Zev Tanus Spijek (my REP) Incom Engineer x2

Blue (25) Rebel Snowspeeder x15 X-Wing x10

Effects(12) Income Enginner x2 Manuvering Flaps x2 S-Foils Wise Advice Do or Do Not (START) Insurrection (START) Staging Areas (START) Yarna D Gargin (START) Tattoine Celebration x2

Interrupts(10) Organized Attack x4 The Signal Heading for the Medical Frig All Wings Report In x2 Transmission Terminated x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

The Income Engineer x2 under effects are really Incon Corporations.

First Off, to all the idiots on decktech, everyone read these review of the deck by 1) aljex

”One word Better Decks”

Isn’t ”Better Decks” 2 words? Have your reviews make sense at least

Here’s another moronic review 2) Bubba Joe

”Is it just me, or does Luke need to be at a battleground site to satisfy BHBM. And the LS version of Hoth EDB is not a battleground site, last time I checked. Since you will more than likely get Luke down (you said first turn) before they get vader down, they can just sit at a non-DB site and laugh at you as you lose 3 force per turn. You might want to think about that first turn luke deployment. Otherwise it looks solid.”

This guy either didn’t look at the locations in the deck or is a moron… I’ll set you decide.

I made this deck mainly to get Lewis’s attention to send me my damn uncut sheet of cards. When I won the Nashville GS I gave him some $$$ to send me the sheet cause I didn’t want to take it on the plane. Now every night as we walks through his apartment and glances at my sheet and dreams of one day beating me in a game, and we all know that will never happen, I could never lose to such a goofy looking guy.

Strategy Ok you start the 2 Tattoine locations with Tanus as your rep. This way you fake them out into thinking you’re an idiot playing Eloms. You deploy speeders early to the db’s for activation. If you see a time to beat the opponent down, do it. Retrieval is huge in this deck, you got the All Wings + the celebration.

Against Hunt Down, try to canel visage or get luke on a speeder at battleground. You can also beat the crap out of Vader but you dont have to. If you set up celebration to equal out visage let him lose from it to.

Against Bring Him go 1st turn luke to Hoth DB. Get cele set up once again, let him drain you at his one db if he wants.

Court, force choking him off the bat. Keep forces centralized to minimize scum retrieval. Your power will be to great for opponent to battle much. Remember, power on tattoine is plus X while you control tattoine with x ships.

Other decks, this is a speeder deck, take a hint.

Thanks for taking a look…

	 Chris ”The Prodigy” Praskac