Nashville Style Beatdown

Title: Nashville Style Beatdown
Author: Josh "Blue1138" Koziura
Date: Aug 15, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Entrance Cavern

Characters (17) Bron Burs Corporal Beezer Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Kal’Falnl C’ndros Leia with Blaster Rifle x2 Luke Skywalker x2 Luke with Lightsaber Obi-Wan Kenobi x3 Orrimaarko R-3P0 Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles

Starhips (3) Gold Leader in Gold 1 Red Leader in Red 1 Tantive IV

Weapons (2) Anakin’s Lightsaber Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Effects (6) Aim High Battle Plan DisarmedInsurrection Traffic Control x2

Interrupts (25) Sense x5 Alter x5 Control x5 Careful Planning Clash of Sabers Courage of a Skywalker First Aid Gift of the Mentor Nabrun Leids Run Luke, Run Smoke Screen Transmission Terminated Weapon Levitation ‘

Strategy: ‘

Your starting location is Obi-Wan’s Hut. With Careful Planning you pull out a related battleground site. If they start with any Tatooine site that is in the deck, just convert it. This can provide a nasty early game force choke. The rest of the deck is primarily a Mains and Toys deck. The SAC ratio of 555, is there to be able to counter almost anything your opponent can throw at you.

After looking at the deck list you probably have the following questions…

Q Why in the world is Run Luke, Run in your deck? A This Card saved my Hide through out the day. It can cancel Vader’s Obsession and Luke can run into any fight for free at an Adjacent site.

Q Ok, You have Battle Plan in your deck but no space locations. Are you on crack? A I use it to start a battle for free. I don’t care if I have to pay for a drain every now and again. Chances are that Dark side already has Battle Order out. This is because I am indeed on crack.