Undefeated BHBM (Closed Environment)

Title: Undefeated BHBM (Closed Environment)
Author: Michael "choker" Sorrell
Date: Dec 18, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Stuff… (8) BHBM/Take Your Father’s Place Your Destiny Insignificant Rebellion DII Throne Room Imp. Arrest Order Mob. Points You Cannot Hide Forever Prepared Defenses

Locations… (7) Carida Endor Forest Clearing x2 Endor Landing Platform DII Docking Bay Endor Dark Forest Endor Back Door

Characters… (25) Lord Vader x3 Palpy x2 Myn Kyneugh x2 (this guy kicks) Royal Guard x5 Col. Davod Jon Corporal Oberk Corporal Dresolyn Captain Sarkli Sergeant Elsek Admiral Chiraneau Sergeant Irol Sergeant Barich Corporal Avarik Janus Greejatus x2 Sim Aloo Commander Igar

Weapons… (4) Force Pike x4

Vehicles/Starships… (7) Speeder Bike x4 Tempest 1 Dominator Chimaera

Effects… (1) Overseeing It Personally (drains and more drains)

Interrupts… (8) Outflank x2 Pitiful Little Band x2 High-Speed Tactics x2 Main Course Force Lightning ‘

Strategy: ‘

First thing, before you open your mouth saying how bad the destiny is, well, take a look at the characters. Most of their destiny numbers are a 3 or above.

Im going to keep the strat short and suite. This deck is 10-0 in the local closed environment tournies, beating multiple 1900+ players. PLay it smart and you should win (the amazing destiny and power should simply overwhelm the opponent).

First turn, Palpatine goes to the DII Docking Bay for extra generation and Carida comes out using Mob. Points. Second turn you will automatically have 9 force without any help from your opponents sites. NOTE If youre playing against the luke objective you obviously deploy Palpatine to the Endor Landing Platform because youll probably have Vader in your hand. If Vader is not there, sit the Emperor at the DII Docking Bay like you usually would until you draw vader. After a couple of turns you should get some sizable power to the D*II Docking Bay, so then you transit to Endor for free (since you have by now pulled your other DB) and the drain begins. You can sac You Cannot Hide Forever for Overseeing it Personally, which increases drains tremendously and often forces the opponent to deploy prematurely or you can use Janus and the drain 2 sites to inflict damage upon your opponent. By turn three of four I have atleast a drain of two.

With 20+ characters in the deck and speeders that react you can afford to spread and drain. Id watch out for Beezer, but in anycase you should not spread so thin that you could get stomped at a location. With your interrupts you can draw two destiny with a character that would not normally draw destiny on his own or you can get three destiny if you have four ability at the site when playing both High-Speed Tactics and Pitiful Little Band (if you got Sim w/ Palpy or the Irol Combo thats even more destiny). In most games Ill draw multiple destinies in virtually every battle because the combos are so EASY to set up Eventually, scouts are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of power in this deck, especially when the brute power draws multiple destinies regularly. The reacting with Myn (read him cause hes great) and the speeder bikes just makes it that much worse for the LS (if youre afraid of Beezer cancelling your reacts add in You Rebel Scum).

As good as I think this deck is, I admit it has its flaws. Firstly, it is card intensive and rarely wins by more than 15 cards (though it still dominates the game). Secondly, the LS crossing objective combined with ewoks can give you a lot of problems if you don’t gt drains going early). The longer the game lasts, the more advantage goes to the LS. Thirdly, it has only enough space to satisfy Battle Plan, not fight an all out battle. Though its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses (i.e. force pikes slash through ewoks like warm butter)

I’ve tested this out and found these cards to work the best. Personlize it Make it your own or add your own style to it Try this deck and I promise you won’t be disappointed. ‘