Why Tamre look like Ketwol

Title: Why Tamre look like Ketwol
Author: Yannick "Crusher" Lapointe
Date: Dec 20, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Strating Crap6 north ridge main power generator heading for the boat strike planning squadron assignement battle plan or do or do not

character14 luke w stick x2(that the only deck iam not playing with jedi luke) ben w stick x2 leia w stick x2 han w stick x2 ketwol madine general calrissian nien dumb blount craker

blue4 ( and yes its enough) the new falcon tala 1 tala 2 spiral

location9 hothdb x5 hothwar room other crappy hoth site hoth endor

red stuff26 out of nowhere hyper escape a few maneuver x2 punch it rebell barier x2 narrow escape signal x5 ANSB on the edge x2 draw their fire frozen asset grabblerx2 ice storm order to engage tunnel vision x3 i know ‘

Strategy: ‘

amiral order1 iam on the leader

the strategy is not hard….find ANSB first then get your key card ignore your opponent and set up in space drain like mad and go make a few battle on the ground