Why Kuperman Sucks

Title: Why Kuperman Sucks
Author: Steve "Crazy Hermit" Kuperman
Date: Dec 20, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective(1) My Kind Of Scum/ Fearless And Inventive

Locations(4) Tatooine Desert Heart (SL) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace (Usually SL) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Lower Passages (Start if playing against Profit or Agents)

Characters(23) Mighty Jabba x2 Bib Fortuna Boelo Ephant Mon Myo x4 Abysssin x3 Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Dengar With Blaster Carbine 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun x2 Gailid Djas Puhr Chall Bekan Brangus Glee Outer Rim Scout

Starships (3) Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Jabba’s Space Cruiser

Interrupts(16) None Shall Pass x2 Projective Telepathy x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Ghhhk x2 Masterful Move Jabba’s Twerps Abyssin Ornament Prepared Defenses (SI) Control x2

Effects(13) Scum And Villiany x2 First Strike No Bargain (Usually a SE) Power Of The Hutt (SE) Oppressive Enforcement There’ll Be Hell To Pay There Is No Try Hutt Infleunce Search And Destroy Resistance Blast Door Controls Secret Plans ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is probably the best Dark Side deck out there today, in my opinion . . .no, not necessarily my version of it, but the decktype. While the My Kind Of Scum objective is hilariously powerful, I had a couple of problems with it. The first being that I didn’t really want to play swarm, the second being that I didn’t have enough non-uniques to get the job done. So after a few days of thinking about it, I figured “What the hell?” and threw this deck together, and I’ve been fine-tuning it since.

The most obvious departure from your typical MKOS deck is in the character assortment, as there are actually fewer copies of the non-uniques than the Rep. The whole concept here is that you only need a non-unique alien to flip, and if you get this thing re-flipped on you, you are a chimp and you should be playing Pokemon. Therefore, you use the non-uniques to flip and from there do whatever the hell you want with them. Send them on suicides with Ghhhks and retrieve through Scum and First Strike, lose ’em to drains and retrieve them via objective game text, it doesn’t matter. The rest of your characters are simple enough to figure out, guys you can pull through Power Of The Hutt, a couple of Jabbas, a few good bounty hunters with weapons, rather typical.

Flipping is an easy task, as you have a huge number of characters and 5 different ways to get a non-unique Abyssin. Your activation goes through the roof real fast, and you have a way to search your Reserve Deck, so there are few excuses for not flipping.

Once you flip, use Myo for your suicides, but only use the ones off of your objective. NEVER put him down to reinforce a site unless it’s absolutely essential, i.e. you will lose the game if he doesn’t drop to a site. If you play the deck right, Myo should be placed on your objective at least 2-3 times throughout a competitive game and probably a good deal more than that.

Play defensively for the most part, but be ready to take on forces bigger than yours outside the Palace. To be frank, play this deck balls out, and you should have few problems with it.

Why These Cards Are/Aren’t In Here

Jabba’s Twerps is in here because it gives extra retrieval in a pinch, and it’s easily accessible as 2 of your leaders can be deployed through POTH and Jabba comes from the AC text. Plus, it’s a destiny 6.

Dr. Evazan and Disarmed didn’t make it cause it would require at least 2 and possibly 4 cards to make it reliable, not including extra enhanced characters I would need to add to improve the consistency of being able to successfully use it. Plus, I rarely have a problem of killing anybody, even Jedi Luke w/saber, thanks to my destiny bonus via objective and extra destiny draws provided by various characters.

Darth Vader didn’t make it cause he’s not an alien, I’m sorry, I just can’t find the room.

Control made it cause it’s huge in clutch in situations and SAC protection is handy.

How To Play Against Various Decks

Profit Auto-Win, you couldn’t lose this one if you tried. Start Jabba and either Fett or Chall, start pulling other guys via objective, mass people together and put them outside, wait for them to try to take the Chamber, beat the piss out of them and you win. Should never be less than +20, more like +30.

Agents/Non-Uniques The starting game will be slow as both players put their games together, but the outcome should never be in doubt. Keep Ephant at the Chamber, move other guys around. Order To Engage could suck, but if you give a damn, add Point Man and leave me alone.

Agents/Speeders Identify this by their starting Rep, it’ll either be Momaw or Harc Seff. Start AC instead of JP, pull Gailid using AC text and add a guy or two to protect him. Send strike teams out to battle and retrieve with Scum. Not too tough, just don’t put yourself on shaky ground and you can easily win.

Hidden Base Against flip, no problems. Get out Hutt Influence to protect your drains, go battle in space (you have a ship ready to go at any time via POTH), win. Against Hidden Mains (identified by it’s starting effects, typically), play carefully and determine whether you need to stop retrieval or stop SAC. Get appropriate counter cards out and proceed to win.

MWYHL Against mains, same as any mains deck. Against Testing, a bit more difficult, but easily won permitting you set up strong positions. Made about a hundred times easier against testing by getting out S&D, add YCHF if you want easy access to it whenever you want it. It’s not a big deal, this game is easily won regardless of the situation.

EBO Against X-Wings, play carefully to avoid a beatdown, set up your drains and hit fast and hard. Can be tough, but with Controls and Resistance, you have a significant advantage. Against EBO/Bargawin, they’ve got little draining power if you use Myo properly, by the time they start hitting you for significant damage you should be well on the way to winning. Deadbolt, you might just lose, but I figure it’d be close.

Review, d-mail with suggestions, whatever you want. Have fun. ‘