Bouny Hunters vs1 1

Title: Bouny Hunters vs1 1
Author: Denny "Noj" Chapin
Date: Dec 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start Court od the vile gansta/ i shall enjoy watching you be EATEN Tatooine Great Pit of Carkoon Jabbas Palace Dungeon jabbas Palace Adience Chamber There is no try all wraped up power of the hutt prepared defences

Creatures Sarlacc

Locatons Tatlars moisture farm jplower passages ds2docking bay tat Jabbas Palace tat Cantina tatJundland wastes

Ships Buba in boat Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Jabba’s Space Cruiser Iggy in boat Zuckuaa in boat

Effects Security Precations Scum and Villiny x2 Search and Destroy no bargain resisance you canot hide forever hutt influece no escape return to base lateral damage

Characters Danz Borin 4-lom w/ gun x2 Might Jabba Bossok w/ gun x2 cloud city engineer x2 Bib Fortuna Buba w/ gun Bane Malar Zuckuss Jodo Kast Outer rim scout Chall (something) Dengar w/ gun Djas Puhr Ree-Yess

Interupts Tweilk Advisor x2 None SHall Pass x3 Imperial Barrier x3 Projective Telepathy Set for stun elis helrot ghhh ‘

Strategy: ‘

same as befor ‘