Crazy Cloud Cars

Title: Crazy Cloud Cars
Author: Denny "Noj" Chapin
Date: Dec 24, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Start Careful Planning Bespin Bespin Cloud City

Characters Tibanna Gas Miner x6 Captain Han Solo Princess Leia Chewbacca of Kashyyk Son of Skywalker Boushh Colonel Cracken Figrin D’an TK-422 Lieutenant Blout Kebyc x2 Lobot Pucumir Thryss x2

Ships/Vehicles Home one Defiance Independence Lando in ship Red leader in red 1 Liberty Cloud Car x9

Locations CC Chasm Walkway CC West Gallery CC North Corridor CC Carbonite Chamber Clouds x3

Effects Scramble Do or Do Not Lauching The Assault Bacta Tank Battle Plan Aim High Beldon’s Eye

Interrupts It Could Be Worse x2 The Signal x2

Admral Orders Combined Fleet Action

Strategy: ‘

OK, This deck uses tibana gas miners clound cars and clouds to drain for at least 3 at each site. all you do is bunch up on 2 or 3 sites and drain like mad, if he/she wants to come to cloud city beat the ship out of them with the mains.

first turn- you would usally get a clouds a tibana gas miner and 2 cloud cars the first hand, deploy the clouds and a cloud car on the cloud. then deploy the site/s and lay down a gas miner. Hopefully he/she won’t go and kill the miner first turn but be carful.

turn 2- drain for 4 and play more sites and backup for you guys. then hopefully you’ll get Pucumir Thryss which adds 1 to drains.

Do this with the whole game, just make sure you don’t die in space or on ground. Also use the big ships and Lauching the assault and camp on bespin.

This should work and its really fun to play.
