How did i just lose to rats

Title: How did i just lose to rats
Author: Denny "Noj" Chapin
Date: Dec 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘start Agents in the court/No love for the empire Tatioone Hutt Trade Route Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Yarna d’ al’ Gargan Heading for the medical friget Uh-Oh Do Or Do Not Ounee Ta

Locations Yavin 4War Room JP Archchamber Tat Jabbas Palace JP Entrance Cavern

Ships Home One Independence Defiance Liberty

Charters Chadra-Fan x12 Kabe x2 TK-422 Boushh Tessek Lando w/ Ax Lietendant Blount Figrin D’an Colonel Cracken

Interrupts The Signal Nar Shadda Wind Chimes x3 You Will Take Me to Jabba Now x3 It’s a trap x2 Ke Chu Ke Kukuta x3

Effects Underworld Contacts Barganing Table x2 Launching The Assalt Order To Engage Bacta Tank Scramble Bo Shuda

Strategy: ‘

Ok, Well this deck is good

OK, the point of this deck id huge beatdowns on ground and major drains everywhere.

It uses Bo Shuda as a shield on Adience Chamber and camp Tessek and Kabe there. Now you drain plus one and rats deploy -1. it rocks

first turn-draw about 3 rats and a narshuda and a take me to jabba now. there are 5 ways to get Kabe to the adince chamber, you can draw it in turn one or use the TMTJN(take me to jabba now). Also try to get tessek and use the adiance chamber to pull bo shuda.

2nd turn- play the rats and get a barganing table and flip. then try for order to engage to make him/her lose early.

when he/she comes to tat, use ke chu ke kukuta to get ride of some of his guys leaving one. then deploy 5 rats for 1 each and a main. draw a 4 and add another 4 to your battle power. this gives you 28 power with the rats alone.

The percents 0 destanies about 6% 1 destanies about 10% 2 destanies about 6% 3 destanies about 7% 4 destanies about 49% 5 destanies about 17%

you usally draw 4’s and 5’s wich is good

in the later game us the narshud and retrive between 8 and 12

Dmain me or email me at
