H2O’s Ballpoint pen deck

Title: H2O’s Ballpoint pen deck
Author: Justin "H2O" Desai
Date: Dec 26, 2000 Rating: 3.0



‘Start(8) BhbM Throne room 2x effects that go w/ the obj there is no try iao m points Starting interupt

Locations(6) DS2DB Endor DB Executor Docking bay Sullust Endor Fondor

Characters(21) 4x lord vader palpy 2x jade 2x gmt piet majerick ozzel chiranu srkili evax motti u3po fett with gun 2x janus sim

weapons(3) 2x Vader’s saber mara’s saber

ships(9) 2x executor Chimerea 3x DSSD Bossk in bus zuckass in elapahnt mobile Dengar in his pretzel

Effects(5) battle plan Decree lateral damage POTF Something special planned for them

Interupts(8) 4x imperial command twilek 2x force lightening overwealmed

Strategy: ‘

Deck edit-take out evax and replace with that dude who cancels landing claw.

About the time Death Star 2 came out everyone in my region was playing this pile before they discovered “better” BHBM decks. I still believe that this deck type, modified by me is superior to The heavy SAc BHBM. The basis for this deck is very simple, establish power at one site(endor dcoking bay) with the emperor, vader, and janus(and however many more mofos you can get there). And 2 systems, Sullust and endor. One should have the executor and a nother ship, and the otehr should have 2-3 ships, both systems should have an admiral. Afetr this is done, you’ve set up decree and battle order AND you’ve ste up nice drains. You always start the same way. 1st turn pull the excutor, ds2 docking bay and the emp. second turn, use imperial command to get piet, piet grabs majerick, drop them at the executor docking bay and fetch fondor with majerick. By this time you’ve got 12 activation a turn. 3rd turn, deploy the executor to fondor, move piet and majerick onto the bridge and move the executor to endor or sullust….afetr that fortufy a land drain by moving the emp to the endor dcoking bay and back him up with vader. Most of the time you’ll get it all set up by turn 3-4. This deck is very strong becuase it absolutely wrecks MWYHL and decks that are reactive like TRM or HB mains. The rason it wreck sreaticve decks, is that it establishes so much power both on land and space that The LS can’t put guys in front of my cards because i have too much power at my locations.

Some card choices 2x GMT, since you want to have one site totally secure, tarkin, vaer emperor, nobdy will mess with that.

2x forcle lightening-nopt too many high destinies in this deck but with the emperor and used’ force lightening you’ll draw a 5 everytime.

u3p0-non interactive land drain decks can be somewhat of a problem.

Overwhelmed-amazing card-superfalcon is wiped out with one card

2x janus-do i even need to explein this one?

Ok, onto the matchups

TRM(neo style)– Set up slow, don’t go to a battle ground site untill you have at leats the following Emp, Vader, 2 other mofos. Set up in space quicker. Don’t deploy the emp to the death star 2 db, instead deploy him to the executor DB with peit and majerick because that way piet can’t be smacked down with a spy(emp can force lightening him). Your drains in space will be too much for him(remeber chiranu adds to drains). Their super falcon or super home one won’t stand up against you in space and their high power charcaters won’t have a place to go on land. Almost and auto win.

HB(mains) ditto–See above

MWYHL another auto win. start something special palnned instead of TINT. Imperial command screws their superduper falcon. Drain in space and on land. Overwhelmed ruins them late game. There own battle plan helps you. You’ll out power them in space and on land, and you’ll both be drawing only 1 destiny. Another auto win.

EBO-Deadbolt Hard game, start something special instead of TINT, this alone will hepl you monumentously. Set up your space power deliberately. Don’t give them a place to deploy, control 2 system and one site and set up decree. You’ll inflict alot more damage then they inflict on you. Once their on the deges are exhausted they’ll lose life force quickly.

EBO/HB xwings. Consolidate your forces in space. GeT dengar out, Move your Ships in front of theirs, If you get dengar out battle, if not just bttle selectively. battle plan will be big. You’ll have a drain on land the whole game, executor is 17 power, throw in a 2-3 ships and just move your armada around. As soon as their organized attacks run out their xwings will start leaving the table in a hurry.

EBO-Light space(EBO getto) Auto win. You drain in space, they don’t. You drain on land they don’t. You outpower them. Win by 25 everytime.

tatooin aliens- Drain race, set up decree as soon as possible. Your drains in space are usually huge. With Chiranu your drains are 3 at sullust and 3 at endor. ad in a drain of 2-3 at the docking bay and they just can’t keep up. U3p0 will help. So will batlle plan. usually a close game but you always win the drain race. Don’t overdeploy.

Profit- Don’t get out aliens, don’t deploy your guys to endor. Drop vader/tarkin/emp on tatone and wipe out their profitable mains. Drains in space will be huge. Set up decree to make their sabers useless. usually win by about 10.

Speeders- As soon as you see flaps hit the table, shuttle all your guys from the endor docking bay to the endor system. You’ll out drain em. late game onve they’ve lost the bulk of their forces, shuttel your guys back down and set up battle order.

TIGH-Drop emp 1st turn to the endor DB reinforce early and set up your drains in space. Everyone knows TIGH dies to BHBM of any kind. Thats about it–The deck is a machine give it a try. be open minded, BHBM big blue CAN win ‘