Bring Him Before the Royal Gaurds v1 00

Title: Bring Him Before the Royal Gaurds v1 00
Author: bryce "khabarakh" leen
Date: Dec 28, 2000 Rating: 3.0




objective BHBM/TYFP

Locations (12) Death Star IIThrone Room Death Star IIDocking Bay CoruscantDocking Bay EndorBunker EndorLanding Platform EndorDark Forest EndorBack Door EndorForest Clearing Endor Sullust Corulag Kiffex

Effects (11) Imperial Decree Imperial Arrest Order Secret plans Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Perimeter Patrol Battle Order Mobilization Points Something Special PLanned For Them Strategic Reserves Overseeing it Personally

Interrupts (2) Prepared Defences Force Lightning

Admirals Orders (1) We’re In Attack Position Now

Characters (20) Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader Darth Vader Janus Greejatus Admiral Chiraneau Commander Merrejk DS-72-10 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Myn Kyneugh Royal Gaurd x10

Weapons (6) Vader’s Lightsaber Force Pike x5

Satrships (8) Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Chimaera Devastator Conquest Thunderflare Avenger Tyrrant Vengeance ‘

Strategy: ‘

Using this deck is simple, pull out Landing Platform, pull out the emperor frorm reserve deck deploy -2 to Landing Platform.Then begin to throw down the royal gaurds. For each of the first three turns remember to pull out a docking bay from reserve deck. then if you get merrejk pull out some planets and deploy to them and drain. if you get out bunker then perimeter patrol, be sure to spread thinly as they must loose 1 force when they deploy to your sites, and cannot battle for the remainder of this turn. also use overseeing it personally your advantage (every character in this deck is imperial)and get drain +1. If you also get mobilization points get the generation +2 at each docking bay you control. in any game if you get out corulag move to it and don’t let the opponent control the system. if you control it every royal gaurd is power and forfeit +1.

EBO Play the usual starting cards but try to get a few stardestroyers out early on, pack the at one system until you get enough to move away from there. Be sure to spread not to stingely as some Ebo decks do have some ground might to them. but if you get peimeter patrol working spread as stingely as you like. just keep a check on whether they are remembering secret plans if they are retrieving force, dont forget drain aditions and you should almost always walk away from the game the victor.

Light Rep Decks Keep a check on their movements on Tatooine and if they deploy tatooine docking bay move the emperor over to the docking bay deploy a few royal gaurds and next turn docking bay him back acrros to endor. because light rep decks dont have much if any space be sure not to put more than 2 stardestroyers together at any one system. keep the drains up and once again you should come out victorious. ‘