Jason’s EBO

Title: Jason’s EBO
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Dec 31, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Main Power Generators North Ridge The Singal A New Secret Base

Locations Kiffex Hoth Endor Hoth War Room Hoth Docking Bay Hoth Med Lab

Characters EPP Luke Boushh TK-422 Blount Cracken Jerome Webb Tycho Celchu Ishi Tib[3] Figirin D’an Arcona[2] Gran[2]

Starships X-Wing[13] Red Leader In Red One Red Squadron X-Wing[3] Spiral

Interupts Orgainized Attack[2] Hyper Escape Nar Shadda Wind Chimes[2] All Wings Report In[2] It Could Be Worse[2]

Effects EBO Undercover[4] Docking And Repair Facilitys Honar Of The Jedi Wise Advise Legendary Starfighter

Whepons X-Wing Cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

Take Out 1 it could be worse and add a rebel fleet.

The basic strategy is to get EBO set up fast. Get X-wings to all the systems and start draining. All the systems in the deck can be pulled from reserve. 3 ssystems is good cause you can eisily control all of them. I use the aliens to get ebo set up cause all of them do cool stuff. The Ishi Tibs Let me put a card from my hand on buttom of used pile to draw a card from to of deck. This helps me ciculate my deck faster. Also say i have Figirin out I can use Ishi Tibs to set up destinys for wagers. Arconas are just cool caus they can react away from a battle. The Grans are cool cause they let me retreive a force when opponet battles at same or adjent site. So you can put a arcona at the North Ridge and a Gran at the Shield Generators when they battle you you can retreive a force then run away. Then all you have to do if they chase you is move gran to the next site over and keep doing the same thing. If they drain for a lot on the ground you have lots of spies and undercovers.


Hunt Down Simple Match. Just block his drains on the ground and if he comes to space beat him up. Put a spy at the holotheater to cancel visage then put undercover on the spy to prevent a beatdown.

Bring Him Before Me Almost Same as Hunt Down. Give Him Luke and drain the crap out of him. He will come to hoth so use the Arcona Gran trick to get him deep into the base then put out honar and watch him cry.

Vs court Get EBO set up fast. dont go to tattoine unless it a undercover spi. Drain for tons in space. If thay come and battle you they will just get there ass’s kicked.

VS Heavy Space This will be the toughest matchup i think. Try to Get solid control of kiffex so you can drain for some. There will be lots of battling so it could go either way. Try not to get beat down in space.

VS The New Objective Out drain them in space and you will win. Block there Drains with spies. ‘