Hayes’ AITC Mains

Title: Hayes’ AITC Mains
Author: Hayes "Hayes" Hunter
Date: Dec 31, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Unknown Type (11) Agents In The Court/ The Other Side Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Home One War Room Hoth Echo Command Center Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Rendezvous Point Tatooine Hutt Trade Route Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi War Room

Characters (17) Captain Han Solo x2 Harc Seff Lando With Vibro Axe x2 Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Lieutenant Blount Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3 Melas Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x3 Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa

Starships (2) Millennium Falcon x2

Weapons (2) Anakin’s Lightsaber Luke’s Lightsaber

Interrupts (20) Alter x3 Clash Of Sabers Control Courage Of A Skywalker Gift Of The Mentor Heading For The Medical Frigate I Know Out Of Commission Sense x5 The Bith Shuffle The Signal x2 Weapon Levitation x2

Effects (8) Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Honor Of The Jedi Sandwhirl x2 What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? Wise Advice Your Insight Serves You Well

Strategy: ‘

update Jeez you guys are a tough audience to please P I dunno if it’s just my area or what but I haven’t seen any form of TIE swarm (in the hands of a player that is any threat to me) for months (and I beat it w/ my xwing ebo by 30+)… but if it is huge in your area you might want to try a different deck. No biggie. Yeah OTE was like the 63rd card (after menace fades and staging areas), so if you like it then throw it in I normally try to fit it in most main decks but just haven’t had the room lately, plus I’m not playing any barriers. Mokay, that’s it. Thanks for the reviews end update

THIS IS A PRE REFLECTIONS II DECK … Everyone knows you won’t be able to rely on Han as much after it’s released…

Hey I finally got a decent picture of me up (thanks to Jared ”Jetsaredim” Greenwald)- so you can go to my page to see how much of a goofball I really am

I came up w/ this deck when JPSD originally came out, as I suspected most people to at least try to play MKOS or revamp their old COTVG decks, but it didn’t happen (Kashyyykians aren’t the brightest of players -) So now that more people seem to be catching onto the MKOS/COTVG trend I decided to post this deck that really stomps ’em.

The Basic Concept Again, a fairly simple concept paralleling my other submission, Hayes’ New Age Throne Room, using the activation mismatch to your advantage. Just activate, build your hand, and out battle the opponent- using the Tatooine locations to drain often times. As I mentioned earlier, this deck is specifically oriented to combat MKOS and COTVG, but also focuses on HDADTJ and BHBM.

The Start You Start AITC and the Trade Route, but your other site will vary. If you play COTVG or MKOS just cover up whichever site they start with (i.e. COTVG will start the AC, so you do the same, and most MKOS decks try to start JP). If they’re smart they’ll see this coming and play the lower passages, which only gives you more force, and, since you’ll want to start the palace in that situation, gives them no place for S+V. Against all other starts you’ll want to start the palace (so you’re Sandwhirls go on infinitely- very handy VS HADATJ or BHBM). Harc or whoever is your rep (you don’t flip, incase you hadn’t figure that out), and you’ll play HFTMF for Wise Advice (protects your SAC VS BHBM and lets that grabber go for free), YISYW (danged cool card), and Battle Plan, or DTF or nothing depending on what you feel like. I’d like to mention now that there were 2 other effects in the original version of this deck Menace Fades and Staging Areas. These were omitted because they rely upon the opponent to be playing the ever-prevalent IAO/Mobilization Points combo (then they’d give you a system and DBs to help your already hefty activation). Battle Plan stayed because it can often eliminate any chance of the opponent draining you before you can get up and running. (Thanks to Andy ”RexBanner7” Klema)

Card Selection (by type)

Locations- Twix’s again Aside from the locations you can start with you have your run of the mill Twix’s (3 of which you can be drained for 2 at, and the rest are all 1 or not at all- they all become 0 with honor out). People are antsy about 8 non pullable locations in the deck- but this is how I see it you start w/ 4 icons on your own, and a hand of 8, so getting a Twix off the bat is not a problem. From there you’ll activate more and draw more, so you can draw more Twix’s, deploy those and activate even more and draw even more and put down even more Twix’s. See how that works? Even when you can’t get out all your locations the sheer amount of force you can generate makes tracking a cinch. With this deck its very easy to aware of what you are going to draw every single destiny draw.

Characters- 17 is a good number. I prefer 18, but this deck has a lot of red. Basic assortment of specialty mains Cap’n for space, though depending on the popularity of space decks in your area, you may want to play one EPP Han and one Cap’n, Lando for Tatooine ass-whoopin’, etc. As far as the Ben/Luke balance goes, I will always try to play one w/ saber included, and the other with immunity and matching sabers (basically to preserve the destiny of the deck). Right now, with JK Luke’s destiny I can’t see how I can pick Ben over him. Some spies and other guys that can do nifty things like draw battle destiny on their own. Nothing too spectacular.

Ships- I love the Superfalcon. WTF beats the Falcon w/ all the SAC that I’m playing? Nothing. That’s what.

Weapons- 2 sabers for Luke- different so Leia can use one.

Interrupts- First thing you’ll notice is the substantial SAC package. After all, what are mains without SAC? (well, Hidden mains, I guess, but I rather go toe to toe VS BHBM, ’cause that will always leave me at least a head above insert rimshot here -) Control is cool cause it lets me cancel that Sandwhirl at appropriate times. Clash is a staple, GOTM to fetch a saber primarily, I Know to rule space, but given the popularity of the CC DB the Cap’n often is found defending battles. 2 Weapon Levitation ’cause it’s one of the most useful cards in the game (steal their saber at a crucial moment, pick up one of yours, or just cancel YAB), and courage for dueling (or JK Luke pumping). And finally 2 easily re-circuable 5s, and 2 signals, which are essentially the same, but play more of a utility role.

Effects- Battle Plan is one of the coolest cards in the game by far. As I briefly touched upon earlier, this and Menace Fades are currently my 2 favorite cards (along with DTF- all thanks to playing that @#$%ty Deadbolt). DTF is just a staple- it’s great for giving your SAC an advantage, and given the fighting power of this deck you’ll be initiating a lot more then the opponent. Honor is great VS HDADTJ because your opponent may no be playing No Escape, and even if they are it will prolly take them a little bit to get it out (and you will most defiantly have a Jedi out by then). It also protects your Twix’s, and essentially nullifies There is No Try. Sandwhirl is the deck’s tech, so to speak. It’s a great surprise that can often devastate the opponent’s deck by eliminating crucial characters. You’d be surprised how many people want to use those Tatooine locations you start to drain at, and it’s great when they are quick to put that first turn Vader out there- that’s an auto win. Wise Advice is good for the grabber and against BHBM SAC. Grabber is cool. And finally YISYW has got to be one of the coolest cards as it makes those circuable 5s capable of taking out Vader (like Lord will be holding a saber w/ 2 Weapon Levitation’s in the deck).

Destiny Layout After starting stuff is taken out you’re left with

0 8
1 12
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 7
6 3

27 below 3 27 above 3 (with plenty of 5s that have a tendency to reenter your deck)

Not the greatest, I’ll admit, but given how much you can activate (thus enhancing the deck’s capability to track), and it’s relative highness, it works out okay.

Track Record I only played the thing once (way back when JPSD came out) and it went 3-0 over a HDADTJ hyperduel deck, a SYC TIE swarm, and something else I forget now, though it was a slightly different version.

Match-ups (Remember this deck can be changed to better suit your Meta. Also these are going to be briefer than usual cause I’m tired, and this deck plays like a TRM deck, so it’s kinda obvious how to play it)

Vs BHBM- If Vader goes to Tatooine Sandwhirl him. Otherwise, abuse the ability to pull Luke anyway you can. You’ll most likely end up with Luke draining for 2 on Tatooine. You’ll be in great contention to win a lot of SAC wars, and that can mean the game, since most BHBM decks don’t play Oppressive Enforcement to protect their SAC. Just use your mains wisely to win battles, it’s not to tricky.

Vs COTVG- Start the AC to create a mini force choke early on. You’ll be able to out activate your opponent like mad, thus reducing No Bargain’s effectiveness. Use your SAC to ensure your beat downs and to stop S+V.

Vs EOPS- Use Spies to get to the bunker if needed, but other than that just focus on dealing damage w/ drains on the ground as quickly as possible (not to hard considering they give you 3 icons). Inevitably the Superfalcon will make an appearance and you will win easily. Adding OTE would speed this game up a lot.

Vs HDADTJ- Again, if Vader goes to Tat you just Sandwhirl your troubles away. If not, just plop Luke, preferably, or Obi on Tat, and do some suicide missions. A tougher game, but HDADTJ is always a good game, so your activation is key. Watch your destinies and use courage or sense to deal w/ dueling.

Vs MKOS- This basically plays out like COTVG, except since most decks rely solely upon JP to pull their locations they’ll be hard pressed for force.

Vs ROPS- It is making a comeback, believe it or not, but again this is like a TRM deck, so it will win automatically. Just get the Falcon to Ralltiir, and some guys to the planet. See how they like Sandwhirl when you use it on them ;-) If this is really prevalent in your area include Ou Nee Ta (duh).

Vs SYC Scum- It isn’t fun when they replace your locations, but chances are, if you see it coming, they won’t be able to control the trade route so they won’t be able to use their JP text. Just avoid the D* DB, utilize the Falcon, keep S+V out of the picture, and you’re mains will do the rest.

Vs SYC TIEs- Superfalcon owns this game, especially w/ Battle Plan.

If there is anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask me personally or put it in the review, thanks. Have a Happy New Year

-Hayes ”Hayes” Hunter ‘