Cancerous Courtroom 2 0

Title: Cancerous Courtroom 2 0
Author: Henry "Cab Driver" Krinkle
Date: Jan 1, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘starting(8) court jpac jp dungeon tat sarlacs hutt prepd defences mob points iao you cannot hide forever.

locations(6) coruscant d-bay executor d-bay d2 d-bay tat judland wastes carida tat lars farm

characters(20) darth vader w/ saber x2 emperor ephant mon miiyoom onith x2 myo ig with gun bib jabba the hutt admiral ozzel niado duegad 4-lom with gun boelo dengar with gun bane grand moff tarkin dr e cloud city engineer mara jade

interupts(12) monnok x3 you are beaten x2 masterful move x2 alter x3 twi’lek advisor imperial barrier

weapons(1) maras saber

starships(6) fett in ship zuck in ship ig in ship bossk in ship executor chimaera

effects(7) search and destroy ability ability ability secret plans grabber first strike lateral damage power of the hutt

Strategy: ‘

prince xizor is a morron….. how is court non-flip a wasted card? get to pull hunter ships, docking bays, and direct damage. yeah that card is totaly useless(NOTE this is ment to be sarcastic).

well, this deck is bassicaly a machine. first of all id like to say that i prefer jabba the hut over mighty jabba for the activation purpose. ive commonly drained for 0 at my docking bays to get some more force activated. if you prefer mighty jabba, then knock yourself out and make the switch.

The deck starts off like so. First turn you want to grab 2 docking bays and carida. then ya need to do some quick calculations and deduce if its safe to pull miiyoom out first turn. if shes in yer hand drop her to a docking bay. normaly i consider amount of force my opponent activates, and what objective he started. for instance, if he starts with hb, hes only going to be activating 5 force. thats enough to drop some guys and clear miiyoom away, but its not enough to drop a big hitter like obi or luke. and because you will have a decent amount of force on turn two, they may not want to send in an early strike team. but if they do tigih, they get a bit more force and are able to pay to drop someone like obi to get rid of miiyoom. then you can either pull her to the ac, or draw some. you can also pluck her and move her to the dungeon to for a little more protection if you want. you should also try and get someone to a docking bay. it shouldnt be to hard to do.

second turn you have some nice activation, 11 if your opponent isnt giving you anything. this might be enough to miiyoom them. if it is you should do it to take away an early beat, even if it wastes your entire force pile it is usualy a good idea. this causes them to need to draw more force, which can result in another miiyoom. with that going on, your gimpy drain of 1 and your the court damage, it may be hard for the to get going. remember, the earlier you start putting the pressure on, the harder it is for your opponent to win. on this turn your also going to want to pull the other docking bay out, and if you can drop another guy to a bay. if you cant afford to miiyoom them you may want to monnok them, lost or used to lighten their hand and then do the miiyoom, or you can just get her some backup.

the next few turns your going to want to pull a ship to carida for another drain, get a guy to jabbas palace for another drain, set up drains on the farm or judland wastes if you can, and pitch ychf for search and destroy. if you have a lot more cards on the table with ability, you may want to get out ability ability ability.

the rest of the game you do your small drains, direct damage, and miiyoom/monnok them as much as you can. your packin 3 alters which can get rid goo nee tay if it hits the table.

as far as match ups go they are all the same. you want to lock em down and hold em there. against any space deck your going to want to lateral and beatdown when you can. and your able to suck out hunter ships wich is a great ability. so drop and beat on em when you can. and with court and search damage they are going to have a tough game on their hands. if you play against ebo, and they didnt start with squassin, your going to want to play monnok lost a few times because they are probably going to be doing swarm. you may want to miiyoom em first so you can see what yer gonna kill.

against deadbolt style decks just alter the frozen when it comes out. track the alters so you have one everytime you need it.

against tigih you suck out mains and pick places to beatdown. i dont see tigih that much, in fact, i built the first version of this deck in august and ive only played against one tigih deck, it used eloms so i killed a bunch with monnok and then did alien beatdowns. if tigih is popular by you, take out some stuff and add a human shield or two, that card is so tech.

if you play agents or profit switch ychf with power of the hutt. against profit i usualy start with boelo and the engineer. i dont see much profit anymore so its rare that i have to do it. and against agents you can suck out their heavy hitters and if they are dumb enough to draw over 12 then monnok em.

that bassicaly covers everything. there are a bunch of cards in here that are just fun for me to use, like myo. i dont see many using him, but i think hes king of the jungle. and bib, hes tech, i love that he can keep some people from movin away. ‘