kazper’s hidden ebo v 1 6

Title: kazper’s hidden ebo v 1 6
Author: jeff "kazper" kasper
Date: Jan 1, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Starting (7) Hidden Base obj Insurrection Wise Advice (switchable) Strike Planning Heading For the Rendevous Point hidden base system

Locations (10) Kessel Hoth Chandrilla Corulag Mon Calamari MPG 4th Marker War Room Med Lab Echo Docking Bay

Characters (16) Luke w/stick x2 Leia w/blaster x2 Captain Han x2 Obi w/stick x2 Cowboy Wedge Crix Blount Cracken Ish Tib Arcona Figgie D Geezum

Blue (7) Gold Leader in Gold 1 Falcon x2 Red Leader in Red 1 Tala 1 Tala 2 Spiral

Green (1) X-wing Cannon

Interrupt (11) Signal x3 Hyper Escape Houjix x2 Tunnel Vision Shadda Chimes Sense Alter I Know

Effects (8) EBO A New Secret Base Draw Their Fire Squadron Assignments Battle Plan Grabber(push) Bacta Legendary ‘

Strategy: ‘

comments on reviews

to mateox geezum pulls the 1st marker, no sooner than 2nd turn, but he pulls it, be careful not to activate that site or the 4th marker when you want to drop them. you’re right on the x-wing cannon, i didn’t play with the tala’s yet(don’t have them) and assumed the cannon would work on them even though they aren’t x-wings. from my experience with this deck, lateral damage won’t get played until later in the game. plenty of time to be ready for it. either way, this deck is gonna fake out the opponent. thanks for the review

to mikeyp With some luck, this deck can ’flip’ ebo in as quick as 2 turns. With less or no luck, it will flip in 4 turns. With bad luck, you flip hidden base instead. Against BHBM, start wise advice and you at least won’t lose your destiny 5 interrupt. And again, if ebo is having a tough time, go to hidden base. thanks

to corellian Wedge from anh is what i refer to as being cowboy wedge, from episode 4 when he heads directly for the tie fighter chasing luke and blows it up just before he flies right through it’s direct path, YEEEEEHAAAAAAWWWWW

to cabdriver kessel is a new addition to the deck. with hidden base, it will be the first system to hit the table, if in reserve. with squass, two falcons and two cap’n hans, that can be a quick drain spot if the opponent is weak in space. As far as the 2/2 recommendation over my 1/1 sense alter package, i believe firmly that 1/1 is enough sense can cancel an alter, or sense an opponents interrupt, it only needs to happen once to turn a game in the right direction. You should only need one alter to cancel lat damage, and can cancel a sense. I’m not worried that I don’t have enough sac.

Another benefit of this dual deck is that if one isn’t working, the other might. Also, the opponent is likely to feel threatened by a deck that uses what most would consider the two toughest light side space themes. There is nice ground support in this deck and the mini falcon with bacta tank can be tough. Insurrection adding 2 to forfeit of blount, cracken and wedge can soak alot of attrition and damage in space. There are so many ways that your opening hand can give you a good edge on the match, and it is this that makes this deck strong.

to p.ewok X-wing cannons are a destiny 5 and can devestate a meager dark sides space package when they aren’t playing space. But only 1 X-wing is something I didn’t take enough time to consider, let me know if you can think of a solution thanks for the review

start with insurrection and strike planning for sure, then decide between wise advice, squass and battle plan, maybe even draw their fire, but i can’t think why. use battle plan if you think you are going to get drained fast, squass if you think you need to get to space quickly and wise advice if you might play against sac, or an interuppt heavy dark deck.

always be looking in your reserve deck to see if vital cards are there for your picking, or if they are in your active force.

1st turn, get crix from strike planning before you activate, get docking bay with insurrection from reserve and deploy it, if you don’t have ansb in hand, signal for it, if no signal, check to see if there are any in your active force by counting how many signals in deck. deploy a system with your obj.

you will end up deploying crix to that docking bay and grabbing geezum with his text to use geezum’s text to pull mpg and 4th marker.

once you have shields up, get ansb and either get a system to flip hidden base faster, or start setting up your ebo.

be sure to not activate important cards early, i highly recommend activating less than possible in the early game.

continue to use crix text to pull any of the three scouts you have left.

use signals to get whatever remaining effects you have.

set up your ebo and hidden base, and be ready to do some smacking in space.

use your luke and obi’s with sticks to clear out sites as possible. use bacta tank to save your rebels as you forfeit them.

against hd and that other one, use blount.

well, somebody help me fill in the rest.

(on a side note, anyone else notice some erratic behaviour in this section where you post your strategy, it ’jumps’, seems like a flaw in the code)

thanks for reading my deck, any ideas are welcome, i’ve used at least one tip from a reviewer each time i submit a version of this deck, thanks