One Knight Stand

Title: One Knight Stand
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: Jan 2, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Agents in the Court

Locations (8) Tat Hutt Trade Route (Desert) Tat Jabba’s Palace JP Audience Chamber Tat DB 94 Hoth DB Home One DB Home One War Room Kessel

Characters (20) EPP Luke x 2 EPP Han X 2 B’omarr Monk x 2 Talz x 2 Obi-Wan Kenobi Ben Kenobi EPP Leia Boushh Admiral Ackbar First Officer Thaneespi Major Haash’n Orrimaarko Tawass Khaa Lando with Vibro Ax ECC Chewie Bothan Spy

Weapons (1) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Ships (2) Home One Independence

A.O.’s (1) I’ll Take the Leader

Interrupts (17) Tunnel Vision x 4 Wind Chimes x 2 Choke x 2 Sense x 2 Alter x 2 Control Balanced Attack Fallen Portal Weapon Levitation Heading For The Medical Frigate

Effects (10) Insight Staging Areas Insurrection Honor Order To Engage I Hope She’s All Right Launching The Assault WYTTPOU? Wise Advice Sandwhirl

Strategy: ‘

Well this deck is kind of odd, but i’m here to explain it.

i came to the conclusion that an agents deck may be able to beat scum, because you can slow them by covering up locations.

It is similar to most mains decks, in the sense that it has plenty of characters, good activation, and some sac. What makes this different (and better) than other decks are the small modifications I have added. the obj-it gives me 5 force plus I can slow mkos or court by covering their sites. locations-you got your sites for the obj, then your db’s. the other 2 are for your ships, one to drain at, the other to make home one cheaper and more powerful characters-alot of standard ones, but some oddballs. bomarr is to enhance tat drains, and talz is the man, especially when you combine him w/choke. ships-only 2, but you sack the home one so its a tank, plus you have the AO. i know the AO is better for squadron assignment decks, but it really hurts ties (it makes all ships without pilot characters on power -2). independence i picked over the falcon, since its more powerful. int’s-tunnels to get setup fast,sac because you need a little, chimes to get your guys, and choke cause its cool. efects-nothing out of the norm. use the sandwhirl wisely.

notes….. choke rules. use it to cancel the text of a nifty alien, such as ephant mon, dr. e or mara. also use it to soak up attrition. i like to forfiet talz when a main gets hit, then play choke on him. it works well. balanced attack rules, use it to get ackbar or obiwan. start insight,insurrection and staging areas vs everything but bhbm, which you will start wise advice. use tawss as the rep i hope shes all right rules vs ties, as do bomarrs use chimes once per gae on the talz and you may get back a few force

matchups scum-cover their location if its court or mkos. sense the none shall pass, or grab it, or jut deploy outside the palace and move in. if you want you could add onee ta. fight early so they cant get setup. setup a drain of 4 in space.

hdadtj-no duel defense…oh well. get your drain in space. use boush on ground. fight with the “other” guys (han,lando,tawss,orri,ect) and dont get mains dueled. use the bothan spy, and choke if needed, to gain access to the executor to kill off visage. use honor if he’s not playing odds. you can put 1 ship at kessel and 1 at his rendeli if you want so you can drain for even more in space.

ties-play fast, they wont go to ground most likely so you can spread thin. get out i hope shes all right quick. you can setup big drains with bomarr’s + saber. in space ply the loaded home one. sense or grab the aptw. try to sit at wak so ties are costly. the ao will help you.

bhbm-auto win. almost. you just have to setup in space and fight on the ground. use wise advice incase you lose sac wars. let your drains+ their obj + battle damage eat them.

well thats it for now, dmail questions or comments.

-swccguy ‘