I don’t need no stinkin’ starships or do I - The sequal

Title: I don’t need no stinkin’ starships or do I - The sequal
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Jan 4, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ Objective MKOS/Fearless and Inventive

Locations (5) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Desert Heart Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Lower Passages Tatooine Cantina

Characters (22) Myo x4 (Rep) Abyssin x2 ECC Iggy x2 ECC 4-LOM Boelo Chall Bekan Gailid x2 Mighty Jabba x2 Dr. Evazan x2 EJP Dengar Ephant Mon EPP Fett Mara Jade Bib Fortuna

Weapon Mara’s Stick

Starships (3) Bossk In Bus Zuckess In MH Fett in Slave 1

Interrupts (15) Prepared Defences (s) Ghhk x2 Monnok Masterful Move Point Man (NEVER REMOVE THIS CARD) Sniper Jabba’s Twerps Imperial Barrier x2 Abyssin Ornament Projective Telepathy None Shall Pass Elis Helrot Twi-lek Advisor

Effects (13) No Bargain (s) Power Of The Hutt (s) Scum x2 Resistance There Is No Try Bad Feeling Have I Disarmed x2 Search And Destroy There’ll Be Hell To Pay Hutt Influence First Strike

Strategy: ‘

–Response to reviews

David.Irvine Thanks for the input. I don’t like using 2 4-LOMs, but I will consider adding another. And I will go add strategy for Profit right now, although it takes a real beating from Reflections 2. Agents already has a strategy, and the Obi’s Hutt mains fall into the category of ”mains.”

Artoo316 I agree that None Shall Pass is a killer card. In fact, I once built an entire deck around it, and that deck never lost (literally). However, in this deck I prefer the Imperial Barriers, because then I can leave them there to be battled, so I can retrieve cards, or I could do something really nasty like use Evazan and Disarmed to kill them. I may add another NSP, but as of now I am going with 2 barriers and 1 NSP.

Rolanzo A wounded wookiee was in the original version of this deck, but rarely comes in useful, so I ditched it for a 2nd barrier. As for Projective Telepathy, you must not know its power, or you would not be telling me to drop it. I can deploy an Abyssin alone to battle the stack of mains. Battle, I retrieve 3, they lose 1 (with First Strike and Scum) then play Projective Telepathy, decline to pay the 2 force then run the Abyssin to the adjacent site, where he is safe. And Elis beatings rock, so I would never drop an Elis. It is still useful with Insurrection….

Gand Okay, man, that was a freak occurance, and I ended up winning that game -) Besides, for the most part, I don’t even consider what it would do against Rescue the Princess.

Bounty_22 I don’t understand how Frozen Assets would screw me over, because all it would really block is my barrier. And if you think that by playing Scum I a losing a lot of fighting power, you are on CRACK. All I lose is Vader and Tarkin and the Emperor, and even Vader/Tarkin is really weak to somehing like Clash Of Sabers. Deadbolt would be a pretty rough game, but if you are really worried about something like that, just add a 2nd grabber and a Secret Plans.

Mr Cheese If you think Honor of the Jedi does anything to this deck, you are sadly mistaken. I occupy 3 battle grounds the whole game from 4th turn on. Also, I am assuming that SAC will be dead with Reflections 2, and TINT will be switched for OE/TINT. I agree about the None Shall Passes, but am not sure what to take out for them.

Hoostino First off, what you are saying would take a TON of force to set up, and several turns. Assume Bad Feeling is on table. Ben + EPP Luke + EPP Han + EPP Leia + Lando With Ax would cost 41 force, and this would be my answer to it. Mighty Jabba + EPP Fett + Dr. E + 4-LOM + Bib, which is MUCH easier to get on table, because it will only cost 12 force, and I can pull Bib from reserve, and an alien with the Jabba’s Palace text. That would give them 21 power and 4 destinies, and me 12 power and 4 destinies, and each of mine are +2. I think I come out ahead overall. That is without Boelo (which I can pull from reserve), Ephant Mon (which I can pull from reserve) or Iggy and without any Disarmeds. Throw in Iggy and 2 Disarmeds, and they are getting beaten for TONS of card damage. End response to reviews–

I AGREE THAT I NEED MORE NONE SHALL PASSES The original version had 3, but they ended up getting cut. I will stick them back in when I can figure out what to take out.

This is the sequal to my Abyssin swarm deck, ”I dont need no stinkin starships,” and works great if you have been playing it for a few weeks, and then answer back with this bad boy. This is MY kind of Scum and Villainy deck, and prefer it to Court, SYCFA Scum and any other variety I’ve seen. It has fighting power, drain power, activation, speed, retrieval and versitility- everything a winning deck needs.

As I mentioned, it is, IMHO, slighty weaker than Abyssin swarm, as it has a much harder time ending the game in one battle, but is strong in its own way.

Always start Power Of The Hutt and No Bargain, other than that you can choose between the following First Strike (although it is usually better as a surprise), Resistance and There Is No Try, with TINT being the default. Other than that, just play reactively. Beat the opponent at their own game. Set up drains at the Palace (with Gailid), flip using Chall and Abyssin Ornament as needed, then battle like mad.

Now why I play some of the cards I do

Why MKOS rather than Court or some other form of Scum? MKOS is much better than Court for a number of reasons. The biggest is that while it is flipped and Jabba and Bib are on table (not too hard with Power Of The Hutt and the AC text), EVERY BATTLE DESTINY I draw is +2. I dont need to explain the power of that, but in addition it lets me cancel drains/ destinies with Myo and gives me limited retrieval on the flipside (an Abyssin per turn).

FOUR MYOS??? Of course 4 Myos He is SO powerful in a deck like this. Here’s a hint


Here is what I use them for…. Cancel a drain or destiny with Myo. If Scum and First Strike are on table, drop Myo to a site they occupy and battle, so you retrieve 3 cards and they lose 1. Then you lose Myo to the used pile and Ghhk the damage. You retrieve 3, they lose one, all for the price of 1 Ghhk Then draw the Myo you put in your used pile and do it all over again. He is also GREAT forfeit for battle damage, and a leader, so he adds a destiny with Mighty Jabba and cancels a destiny with Boelo. Hmm… maybe I should add a 5th Myo….

Jabba’s Twerps This card doesn’t have near the power it does in a Swarm deck, but it is great for added retrieval (I always have at 2-4 alien leaders on table), and can be used as a great surprise. Example Leave Chall alone at a site. With Scum on table, if they battle you, you can deploy your 2 Abyssins from reserve deck for free, therefore adding 4 to your power, giving you some easy forfeit and letting you get a destiny.

No Sail Barge I find the Sail Barge really, really expensive, and not worth the price. All my aliens are cheap, and I don’t find getting stuck in the Desert Heart to be a problem. Even if I did, I would rather have an Elis get me out than a Sail Barge.

Only 2 Abyssins Like I said, this is not a swarm deck, and you only need 1 Abyssin really, just to get it to a site to flip your Objective. You have 2 Abyssins, 1 Abyssin Ornament, Chall Bekan and the text of the AC, so you should have too bad a time flipping your objective.

Projective Telepathy Possibly the most powerful card in the deck. Use it to cancel your own battles, after utilizing First Strike and Scum, of course, or in certain cases get out of a beating with it. I want to add a second one…

2 Mighty Jabbas This is definately the most powerful Jabba to date, and he can be a beast. I don’t rely on a bunch of non-uniques, so he is better than Jabba. Jabbe the Hutt would be a good choice, but I prefer the fighting variety.

Only 5 sites You don’t need more. That gets you a max drain of 9 per turn, which can’t be modified, which is plenty, trust me. However, this is primarily a battle deck so I usually don’t need to utilize all the drains I could.

Everything else should be pretty straight forward, so now it is time for matchups…

EBO This is probably your toughest game, so I will discuss it right off the bat. Get your drians set up, and use your space cautiously. Try to get back any ships that get lost with Scum and/or First Strike. Resistance will help, as will Hutt Influence. Search and Destroy should win you this game in the end, as well as Myo canceling drains and destinies.

Hidden Base Are you kidding me? You’re faster than them, have better retrieval, and they can’t modify your drains. Hmm.. their objective does approximately nothing now….

Profit Soon to be dead with Reflections 2, but for now just start the Lower Passages instead of Jabba’s Palace. Start Chall and Mighty Jabba and use Chall’s text to get your Abyssin so you can flip. I rarely see Profit decks anymore around here, but if it is big, add a Cloud City Engineer and start Jabba’s Palace, then go convert it.

Mains Any Variety You are better than them, believe me. Use barriers, none shall pass, Dr. E and disarmed to get rid of the big mains (like Luke with stick), and your enhanced Bounty Hunters with each destiny draw at +2 should do the trick against Han, Leia and Chewie. If they don’t start Insurrection, Elis beat the crap out of them. Remember, with your objective flipped (and Jabba and Bib on table), Iggy, 4-LOM, Mighty Jabba, Fett, Boelo and Myo have power 20, get 5 battle destinies (each at +2), can cancel a battle destiny and have 3 weapons. No force of mains can compete with that.

Agents Try to get point man. You can laugh if they are playing Eloms, but Chadras will be harder. Sniper Kabe if you can, and use Dengar, Fett, Iggy and Dr. E to kill many little monkey. I haven’t played this game, but it should be easy enough.

Well, those are the biggest deck I can think of right now. Hope you like it-
