Where is that #@&% Hidden Base

Title: Where is that #@&% Hidden Base
Author: Fernando "Garion" Medalón
Date: Jan 5, 2001 Rating: 2.5



‘STARTING (7) Hiden Base/Systems Will Slip … Kashyyk (Hiden Base) Rendezvous Point Heading For The Medical Frigate Your Insight Serves You Well Squadron Assignements Wise Advice

STARSHIPS (11) Gold Squadron 1 Artoo in Red 5 Red Squadron 1 Red Squadron 4 Red 7 Red 8 Red 9 Red 10 Gold 3 Gold 4 Gold 6

CHARACTERS (15) Luke Skywalker TK 422 Gen Calrissian Nien Nunb Wedge Antilles, RSL Hobbie Elyehk Rue Bren Quersey Lt Naytaan Theron Nett Ryle Torsyn Lt Lepira Hol Okand Melas Figrin Dan

WEAPONS (3) X-wing Lasser Cannon x3

ADMIRAL ORDERS (1) Concentrate All Fire

INTERRUPTS (11) A Few Maneuvers x2 Organiced Attack x3 Out of Nowhere Shocking Information Trnasmision Terminated It Could Be Worse x3

EFFECTS (6) Our Most Desperate Hour x2 Kessel Run x2 Lets Keep A Little Optimism Here Honor Of The Jedi

SYSTEMS (6) Coruscant Alderaan Kashyyk Clackdor VII Tatooine Kessel ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is my Hidden Base deck. If been playing it for a long time and Ive made severall changes since I started. X-wings swarm is not a bad deck, but nothing compared with having all the Special Edition Starfighters and Pilots (reds and golds), theyre really cool. With only 2 gold starships (and their matching pilots) in one system you can draw one battle destiny and add 2 power destinies to the battle; that means a minimum power of 11 for only 8 force, nothing in the Empire is so good. And with that incredible card called Squadron Assignements you can do it.

This is a deck with enormous destinies. Once you have take out all your systems no zeros in rour reserve deck, and nearlly all of the 2 and 3 destiny cards are on table (they are the pilots and starships). Then you will only have few low destinies and a lot of 4, 5 and 6 ones. That means a lot of battle damage in case dark side is so stupid he goes to space to battle you.

Now for the cards. Starhips and pilots are there to provide you with great power for the minimum cost. The X-wing cannons will help you with that annoying Zukuss in ship, Dengar in ship, etc, and with the Admiral Order you will have extra power. The interrupts will help you, mainly in space (you must never go to the ground or you will be destroyed) and to reduce the force loose. In the other hand, effects will retrive lots of force for you. After you flip the objective, forget obout any system but Kessel, Coruscant and Tatooine, this systems are where you will drain the other till hes dead. Only for a few turns you must pay attention to Alderaan, becaurse the Our Most Desperate Hour card; once you have compete it, return to Kessel doing a Kessel Run (lots of force back to the deck). Figrin Dan, how I love this guy. One force retrival every turn.

Against other decks Hunt Down or Bring Him, dosent matter, play the same against this two decks. NEVER go down. Drain him in space and give him Luke (if Bring Him), with your great destinys he will nearly never win a duel, and he will never win a battle. If Hunt Down, sac Your Insight Serves You Well for Honour Of The jedi and kill him in space.

Against Ral-Ops, sac Your Insight for Lets Keep Otimism only when he flips his objective, control Ralltiir, deploy TK-422 and with your two force drains cancel he will give you no problems.

Against Dark deal, difficult deck, with so high power in ground an such hevy drains its a goos enemy. Try to control Cloud City and cancel the more drains you can. Anything else can be made.

Against dark space decks, he will become destroyed as he deploy. No problem with this deck.

Thats all for the moment. Please, make suggestions or give me high stars. No 2 or 3 stars without why and what you may change or add. I hate that. Thanks in advance. ‘