Symphony of Destruction- SYC Bombers

Title: Symphony of Destruction- SYC Bombers
Author: Dan "Static-X" Grover
Date: Jan 5, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Okay, before I say anything, I want you all to know that this is a prototype deck. I expect it to be reviewed badly, as I am just working out the kinks. However, if you review this deck, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK. Don’t just say, “this deck sucks,” actually tell me why. Thank you.

OBJECTIVE (1) SYCFA/Who cares what it says on the back {S}

LOCATIONS (10) Death Star {S} DS Dorking Bay {S} Alderaan {S} Wakeelmui Tatooine Bespin Sullust Kiffex 2x Asteroid Field

CHARACTERS (5) 2x Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader Captain Jonus Major Rhymer

STARSHIPS (20) Scimitar 1 Scimitar 2 6x Scimitar Squadron TIE 4x TIE Bomber The Emperor’s Shield The Emperor’s Sword 6x TIE Interceptor

WEAPONS (4) 4x Proton Bombs

EFFECTS (11) Mobilization Points {S} There Is No Try {S} Planetary Subjugation {S} Imperial Decree {S} Battle Order Oppressive Enforcement Lateral Damage First Strike Bombing Run 2x Sienar Fleet Systems

INTERRUPTS (9) Prepared Defenses {S} 2x Twi’Lek Advisor 4x All Power To Weapons 2x Imperial Barrier ‘

Strategy: ‘

How annoying is it when you post a deck for feedback and four whole people review it?

Thanks to everyone who reviewed this (all four of you.) I am taking your ideas to heart.

Okay, now as I said before, this deck is still in the experimental stage. Please don’t review it if you’re not going to make any constructive comments Well, I’m sure you understand the concept behind a standard TIE deck (retrieve with SFS, beat down, etc.) However, you may not be as familiar with Bombers. This deck is designed to take advantage of the fact that no one will expect bombers. So, let me answer a few questions you might have.

”WTF? Why Bombers?” Because 1) Bombers may have crappy destiny on their own, but with Planetary Subjugation, you can add UP to 5 to their destiny if they are drawn for weapon or battle destiny. Very nice to track, especially combining the fact that you can cycle them with asteroids, plus you retrieve 1 every time you deploy. 2) They can use proton bombs, which means that it’s a DS space deck with built in ground control This makes them ideal for picking off characters on a bombing run, or collapsing sites (see below.)

”Why Proton Bombs?” Proton Bombs can be used to take out characters in a bombing run, PLUS, during a force drain, you can try to collapse a related interior site (with a destiny greater than 4). If the site is collapsed, the characters inside go bye-bye. Imagine collapsing the Audience Chamber right away against Profit or Agents

”Wait a minute, aren’t Scimitar Squadrons 3 dot unique? Why 6 of them?” Because their destiny of 2, combined with Planetary Subjugation, makes for a destiny of 7 Besides, they should be cycling through the deck pretty fast courtesy of the asteroids. You shouldn’t have three on the table at any given time anyway.

Cards I want to put in Dreadnoughts (Once I get some) Commander Merrejk (I probably should put him in, now that I think about it) SAC (unfortunately, it takes up too much room) The DS version of Power Pivot

Okay, now for matchups.

Agents/Profit Collapse the Audience Chamber and any other interior sites asap. Then get your Bombing Run at one of their exterior sites and strafe the crap out of them Just track a Bomber, and voila No more characters.

RST See above.

TIGIH See above.

EBO Probably the toughest matchup. save your TIES for the beatdown, get Decree going asap. Play it smart, and this game is winnable. Massive Destinies and good retrieval will help you go the distance.

Hidden/TR Mains A little more difficult than profit. They likely won’t do much draining, so you really just need to watch for the Super Falcon and Home One. Save your barriers and beat down when you can. The high destinies should help.

Well, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Remember, I need advice It’ll take some time before this deck is a beast. ‘