Hunt Down And Annoy The Jedi

Title: Hunt Down And Annoy The Jedi
Author: Mark "MASSACRE" Carila
Date: Jan 6, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting HDADTJ/ANNOY THEM TO DEATH Exec Holotheatre Exec Meditation Chamber Visage Of The Big Cheese Prepared Defenses Oppressive Enforcement Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order

Characters(21) DV,DLOTS Darth Vader Darth Vader W/ Wappie Stick x3 Grand Moff Tarkin x3 Bossk W/ Stun Gun Dengar W/ B-B Gun Boba Fett W/ pea shooter Prophetess Kitik Keed’kak Lieutenant Commander Ardan Djas Puhr Admiral Ozzel Admiral Motti Admiral Piett Admiral Chiraneau Bane Malar Commander Merrejk

Starships/Vehicles(8) Devestator Thunderflare Tyrant Vengeance Avenger Exectutor Conquest Blizzard 2

Locations(6) Kashyyyk Fondor Mon Calamari Sullust Exec DB CC DB

Weapons(1) Vader’s Lightsaber

Effects(8) Reactor Terminal Secret Plans No Escape Visage Of The Emperor There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2 Battle Order Lateral Damage

AO(1) We’re In Attack Position Now

Interrupts(7) Twi’lek Advisor Weapon Levitation Your Powers Are Weak, Old Man Charming To The Last Imbalance Imperial Command The Empire’s Back ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off let me explain my starting effects. IAR for CC docking bay if they give you no battleground sites to flip with. also you can get exec docking bay for an escape or an extra 3 activation. MP for activation and the threat of an Exector at any moment. And OE for destiny +1 to all capitals, grabbers for free, and sense/alter protection. I did some test draws and 7 out of ten hands had a vader in it. since i start off with 4 force from just me i might be able to get Vader out first turn and reek havoc. then later i an drop backup. YPAWOM is to have some obi protection. charming to the last helps me mad kill leia. if tarkin dies then empire’s back. DANG MY OPPONENT RETRIEVED 14 FORCE watch them use 14 force for secret plans then watch them lose 7 to imbalance. Over the coarse of the game get out some big blues and some admirals to the systems and some beefy guys to the ground. an extra visage of the emperor in case they destroy it and i have to doploy it again. also a nice 7 destiny. only 1 vehicle in case they have interior sites only(also kill the cowards that use sandwhirls). Prophetess for a little retrieval on the side. some guys with guns capture and slay the opponent’s dudes. also lateral damage a home one for a crushing win. control from the beginning and you got the game.