Elephants Everywhere Dumbo’s Revenge

Title: Elephants Everywhere Dumbo’s Revenge
Author: Jayke "Lord_vader20" Ball
Date: Jan 6, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘STARTING Tattoine Desert Heart TJabba?s Palace Prepared defences Power of the hut No Bargain CHYBC

LOCATIONS JPAudience Chamber JPLower Passages JPEntrance Canvern

CHARACTORS Jabba Mighty Jabba Ephont Mon x2 Chevin x10 Boelo Bib Boba w/gun Dengar w/gun Dr. Evason 4-Lom w/gun Iggy w/gun Galid x2 Chall Bekan Cloud City Engineer Creatures Bubo

INTERUPTS None Shall Pass x2 Imp. Barrier x2 Jabba?s Twerps Twilik advisor Abyssin Ornament x2 Projective telepathy Sniper Monnok Ghhhk Masterful Move

EFFECTS Scum and Villany x2 Den of thieves Secret Plans YCHF Hutt Influence Oppresive Enforcment Hell to pay FIrst Strike

SHIPS Bossk in Bus Zukkus in MH Dengar In P1 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is my Second posting of this, I am hoping to get a few more reviews so I can get some feedback on the deck.

Well this personally is the first version of this deck I have seen. Why did I choose CHevins you ask? THEY RULE You can forfet them in battle to cancel all remaining attrition against you. THis comes in real handy when you have about equal power, but they drew 7 for battle destiny and you aliens have crappy forfet. Their rep, (EPHONT MON) Also can be deployed from reserve deck via Power of the Hut. This makes making all the chevins power 4 forfet 3 no problem and a very easy task. Throw down Jabba, Chall, And scum and you got some FREE chevins to deploy. This is wicked sweet when they come to battle and you play Jabba?s twerps. You drop 3 chevins who are a total power of 12 for free. That can hurt. Then you forfet on of them to cancel all remaining attrition Then just retive it during your control phase. It is a vicious cycle when combined with scum. Here?s how you should play the deck TURN ONE Pull Audience chamber, Jabba, and deploy ehont mon/chevins if you can. TURN TWO Pull Entrance cavern, Deplot bib for freem deply any other aleins you have. Turn Three Pull Lower Passages, get galid out ASAP and start draining. Be shure you save big guys like Iggy and 4-lom for battles. You may need them on non-tattoine sites.

I personally think this version is they best way to play the deck. It seems to run alot better than using abyssins of skirlins. anyway, lets check out some matchups

Hidden Base Set up normally, get out hutt influence fo they cant cancel your drains. Save you ships for a minor beatdown if they think you have no space. Probe, drain, and you should do fine

EBO/DEADBOLT Tough game. Set up normally, you may want to add in resistance for this deck type. Send Iggy and 4-lom in after charactos on hoth (ketwol). If you Capture Ketwol, keep him. DOnt send him to used pile. This will screw up their setup. Grap On the edge and get out secret plans to stop retrival. Battle, retrive, you should do ok.

AGENT VERY TOugh game i have recently found out. if they start anything but jabba?s palace, start yours. COnvert thier sites to stop activation. Get somone out to thier desert so you can search for you jabba’s palace sites. be VERY careful for a possible sand whirl which will whip thorough there. Beatdown them and retive. play you best.

PROFIT HA You should trash this. Just get out your guys from reserve, and beatdown, retreive

ANYTHING ELSE Set up normally, and react to what your opponent does.

Well there it is guys, have fun with it. If anyone uses it and does well, please tell me THANKS FOR REVIEWING

-JB ‘