My Johnson is 12 Inches Long

Title: My Johnson is 12 Inches Long
Author: Gordon "Tallus" Marx
Date: Jan 9, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Massassi Base Operations/Why have one in a billion when you can have…One In A Million? evil pinky smirk

Epic Events (1) Attack Run

Starships (6) Artoo-Detoo In Red 5 Green Squadron 3 Red 10 Red 7 Red 8 Red Squadron 1

Characters (14) Boushh Bren Quersey Corporal Delevar Elyhek Rue General Crix Madine General Dodonna Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Theron Nett TK-422 Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader x2

Weapons (3) Enhanced Proton Torpedoes Proton Torpedoes X-wing Laser Cannon

Effects (8) Honor Of The Jedi I’ll Take The Leader - Admiral’s Order x2 Insurrection (s) Order To Engage Squadron Assignments (s) Strike Planning (s) Wise Advice

Interrupts (15) A Few Maneuvers Advance Preparation Fall Of The Legend Fly Casual Grimtaash Heading For The Medical Frigate It Could Be Worse Organized Attack x2 Out Of Nowhere x2 Throw Me Another Charge Transmission Terminated x3

Locations Death Star Death Star Docking Bay 327 Death Star Trench Ord Mantell Raithal Ralltiir Yavin 4 Yavin 4 Briefing Room Yavin 4 Docking Bay Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi Ruins Yavin 4 Massassi War Room ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here it is - the MBO deck that looks like @#$%, but wrecks people who dont know what theyre up against. I just realized that there should be 2 Red Squad 1s in this deck. Pull the Fall of the Legend for it.

Early Game Pull Crix and Dodonna. Pull all your Y4 sites. Put Crix at one site, Dodonna at one site, and Delevar at one site. Flip. Fold them together to avoid beats.

Post-flip Get ready to blow s.hit up. The best way is to use Luke in R2iR5, but in a pinch Wedge will do. Blow up the D*. Make them lose a lot of force.

Post-blowup Drain like crazy.

Matchups SYCFA - Auto-win, especially if they try to flip. Dont convert the DDB, but do convert the D.

BHBM - They basically get ground, you get space. You drain for a lot. They dont. Use your suicide Obis to keep them off the sites for Decree. Dont be dumb and put him with Vader, though.

HD - Tough game. Dont drop Obi. Vader will probably take over the D*DB. This doesnt matter. After you flip, you dont need your ground guys, and theyre not going to get beaten down with their huge forfeits. You get huge drains.

Big Blue - Giggle. Get your AO out and force them to track 6s and 7s to kill your ships, unless you happen to have OA. Youve got Beast Wedge, youve got a destiny adder that just happens to be a used 5, youve got +3 power in system battles, your Red mooks add destinies to power.

Strengths of this deck Youve got great drains, and a shi.tload of high cycling destinies that do great things. You cant be touched in space most of the time. Plus, blowing up the Death Star gives them a whole fuc.kload of direct damage, which is never a bad thing.

Weaknesses Well, Decree can kinda hurt, but the thing is, with Honor down, theyre not draining on Yavin except at the DB, so youre not sweating it. ‘