a kick ho @#$% huntdown

Title: a kick ho @#$% huntdown
Author: Cullen "Sigmar" Burns
Date: Jan 10, 2001 Rating: 2.0



’ Starting Stuff hunt down and destroy the jedi holotheartre medation chamber visage of the emperor mob points IAO crush the rebellion prepared defences

Locations 2 cloud city casino cloud city security tower executor docking bay death star docking bay cloud city easy platform

Characters 2 lord vaders dlots darthvader with saber 2 mara jade grand moff tarken 2 lando calrissian slim shady .aka. sim aloo u-3po 4-lom with gun lobot sergent wallen dr. evazan

Interrupt masterful move 3 tei’twk adivor 5 cloud city sabacc i have u now ghhhk a real hero 2 imperial berriers

Effects 2 what are you trying to push on us oppressive enforcement bad felling have i frist strike secret plans ychf S&D

Starships 3 dreadnoughts zuckass in ship dengar in ship

Weapons 2 vaders saber 1 mara jade saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

um just do funny stuff like steal there @#$% with sabacc. im sure most people on deck deck know what to so so @#$% all of ya. ‘